Send Parameters#

The Client can send key-value pairs as parameters to Executors as shown below:

from jina import Client, Executor, Flow, requests, Document

class MyExecutor(Executor):

    def foo(self, parameters, **kwargs):

f = Flow().add(uses=MyExecutor)

with f:
    client = Client(port=f.port)'/', Document(), parameters={'hello': 'world'})


You can send a parameters-only data request via:

with f:
    client = Client(port=f.port)'/', parameters={'hello': 'world'})

This might be useful to control Executor objects during their lifetime.

Send parameters to specific Executors#

You can send parameters to specific Executor by using the executor__parameter syntax. The Executor named executorname will receive the parameter paramname (without the executorname__ in the key name) and none of the other Executors will receive it.

For instance in the following Flow:

from jina import Flow, DocumentArray, Client

with Flow().add(name='exec1').add(name='exec2') as f:

    client = Client(port=f.port)
        parameters={'exec1__traversal_path': '@r', 'exec2__traversal_path': '@c'},

The Executor exec1 will receive {'traversal_path':'@r'} as parameters, whereas exec2 will receive {'traversal_path':'@c'} as parameters.

This feature is intended for the case where there are multiple Executors that take the same parameter names, but you want to use different values for each Executor. This is often the case for Executors from the Hub, since they tend to share a common interface for parameters.

Difference to target_executor

Why do we need this feature if we already have target_executor?

On the surface, both of them is about sending information to a partial Flow, i.e. a subset of Executors. However, they work differently under the hood. target_executor directly send info to those specified executors, ignoring the topology of the Flow; whereas executor__parameter’s request follows the topology of the Flow and only send parameters to the Executor that matches.

Think about roll call and passing notes in a classroom. target_executor is like calling a student directly, whereas executor__parameter is like asking him/her to pass the notes to the next student one by one while each picks out the note with its own name.