Send GraphQL Mutation#

If the Flow is configured with GraphQL endpoint, then you can use Jina Client mutate() to fetch data via GraphQL mutations:

from jina import Client

PORT = ...
c = Client(port=PORT)
mut = '''
        mutation {
            docs(data: {text: "abcd"}) { 
                matches {
response = c.mutate(mutation=mut)

Note that response here is Dict not a DocumentArray. This is because GraphQL allows the user to specify only certain fields that they want to have returned, so the output might not be a valid DocumentArray, it can be only a string.

Mutations and arguments#

The Flow GraphQL API exposes the mutation docs, which sends its inputs to the Flow’s Executors, just like HTTP post as described above.

A GraphQL mutation takes the same set of arguments used in HTTP.

The response from GraphQL can include all fields available on a DocumentArray.

See Also

For more details on the GraphQL format of Document and DocumentArray, see the documentation page or developer reference.


The available fields in the GraphQL API are defined by the Document Strawberry type.

Essentially, you can ask for any property of a Document, including embedding, text, tensor, id, matches, tags, and more.