Health Check#

You can check every individual Executor, by using a standard gRPC health check endpoint. In most cases this is not necessary, since such checks are performed by Jina, a Kubernetes service mesh or a load balancer under the hood. Nevertheless, you can perform these checks yourself.

When performing these checks, you can expect one of the following ServingStatus responses:

  • UNKNOWN (0): The health of the Executor could not be determined

  • SERVING (1): The Executor is healthy and ready to receive requests

  • NOT_SERVING (2): The Executor is not healthy and not ready to receive requests

  • SERVICE_UNKNOWN (3): The health of the Executor could not be determined while performing streaming

See Also

To learn more about these status codes, and how health checks are performed with gRPC, see here.


In another terminal, you can use grpcurl to send gRPC requests to your services.

docker pull fullstorydev/grpcurl:latest
docker run --network='host' fullstorydev/grpcurl -plaintext
  "status": "SERVING"