

Executor uses docarray.DocumentArray as input and output data structure. Please read DocArray’s docs to get an impression how it works.

Executor is a self-contained component and performs a group of tasks on a DocumentArray. It encapsulates functions that process DocumentArrays. Inside the Executor, these functions are decorated with @requests. To create an Executor, you need to follow three principles:

  1. An Executor should subclass directly from the jina.Executor class. An Executor can also be a dataclass

  2. An Executor class is a bag of functions with shared state or configuration (via self); it can contain an arbitrary number of functions with arbitrary names.

  3. Functions decorated by requests are invoked according to their on= endpoint. These functions can be coroutines (async def) or regular functions.



Every new Executor should be a subclass of Executor.

You can name your Executor class freely.


You don’t need to implement __init__ if your Executor doesn’t contain initial states or if it’s a dataclass

If your Executor has __init__, it needs to carry **kwargs in the signature and call super().__init__(**kwargs) in the body:

from jina import Executor

class MyExecutor(Executor):
    def __init__(self, foo: str, bar: int, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(**kwargs) = bar = foo
from dataclasses import dataclass
from jina import Executor

class MyExecutor(Executor):
    bar: int
    foo: str

What is inside kwargs?

Here, kwargs are reserved for Jina to inject metas and requests (representing the request-to-function mapping) values when the Executor is used inside a Flow. Also when Executor is a dataclass these parameters are injected by Jina as in the regular case when calling super().__init__

You can access the values of these arguments in the __init__ body via self.metas/self.requests/self.runtime_args, or modify their values before passing them to super().__init__().


You might need to execute some logic when your Executor’s destructor is called.

For example, if you want to persist data to disk (e.g. in-memory indexed data, fine-tuned model,…) you can overwrite the close() method and add your logic.

Jina ensures the close() method is executed when the Executor is terminated inside a Flow or when deployed in any cloud-native environment.

You can think of this as Jina using the Executor as a context manager, making sure that the close() method is always executed.

from jina import Executor

class MyExec(Executor):
    def close(self):


When implementing an Executor, if your Executor overrides __init__, it needs to carry **kwargs in the signature and call super().__init__(**kwargs)

from jina import Executor

class MyExecutor(Executor):
    def __init__(self, foo: str, bar: int, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(**kwargs) = bar = foo

This is important because when an Executor is instantiated in the context of a Flow, Jina adds extra arguments. Some of these arguments can be used when developing the internal logic of the Executor.

These special arguments are workspace, requests, metas, runtime_args.

Another alternative is to declare your Executor as a dataclass. In this case, you don’t provide a specific constructor. Then, Jina injects all these special arguments without you needing to call any specific method.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from jina import Executor

class MyExecutor(Executor):
    bar: int
    foo: str


Each Executor has a special workspace that is reserved for that specific Executor instance. The .workspace property contains the path to this workspace.

This workspace is based on the workspace passed when adding the Executor: flow.add(..., workspace='path/to/workspace/'). The final workspace is generated by appending '/<executor_name>/<shard_id>/'.

This can be provided to the Executor via the Python or YAML API.

Default workspace

If you haven’t provided a workspace, the Executor uses a default workspace, defined in ~/.cache/jina/.


By default, an Executor object contains requests as an attribute when loaded from the Flow. This attribute is a Dict describing the mapping between Executor methods and network endpoints: It holds endpoint strings as keys, and pointers to functions as values.

These can be provided to the Executor via the Python or YAML API.


An Executor object contains metas as an attribute when loaded from the Flow. It is of SimpleNamespace type and contains some key-value information.

The list of the metas are:

  • name: Name given to the Executor;

  • description: Description of the Executor (optional, reserved for future-use in auto-docs);

These can be provided to the Executor via the Python or YAML API.


By default, an Executor object contains runtime_args as an attribute when loaded from the Flow. It is of SimpleNamespace type and contains information in key-value format. As the name suggests, runtime_args are dynamically determined during runtime, meaning that you don’t know the value before running the Executor. These values are often related to the system/network environment around the Executor, and less about the Executor itself, like shard_id and replicas. They are usually set with the add() method.

The list of the runtime_args is:

  • name: Name given to the Executor. This is dynamically adapted from the name in metas and depends on some additional arguments like shard_id.

  • replicas: Number of replicas of the same Executor deployed with the Flow.

  • shards: Number of shards of the same Executor deployed with the Flow.

  • shard_id: Identifier of the shard corresponding to the given Executor instance.

  • workspace: Path to be used by the Executor. Note that the actual workspace directory used by the Executor is obtained by appending '/<executor_name>/<shard_id>/' to this value.

  • py_modules: Python package path e.g. or file path to the modules needed to import the Executor. This is another way to pass py-modules to the Executor from the Flow

You cannot provide these through any API. They are generated by the Flow orchestration.

See further#