
If you want to share your Executor, you can push it to Executor Hub.

There are two ways to share:

  • Public (default): Anyone can use public Executors without any restrictions.

  • Private: Only people with the secret can use private Executors.

Publishing for the first time#

jina hub push [--public/--private] <path_to_executor_folder>

If you have logged into Jina, it will return a TASK_ID. You need that to get your Executor’s build status and logs.

If you haven’t logged into Jina, it will return NAME and SECRET. You need them to use (if the Executor is private) or update the Executor. Please keep them safe.


If you are logged into the Hub using our CLI tools (jina auth login or jcloud login), you can push and pull your Executors without SECRET.

You can then visit Executor Hub, select the “Recent” tab and see your published Executor.


If no --public or --private argument is provided, then an Executor is public by default.


Anyone can use public Executors, but to use a private Executor you must know its SECRET.

Update published Executors#

To override or update a published Executor, you must have both its NAME and SECRET.

jina hub push [--public/--private] --force-update <NAME> --secret <SECRET> <path_to_executor_folder>

Tagging an Executor#

Tagging can be useful for versioning Executors or differentiating them by their architecture (e.g. gpu, cpu).

jina hub push <path_to_executor_folder> -t TAG1 -t TAG2

You can specify -t or --tags parameter to tag an Executor.

  • If you don’t add the -t parameter, the default tag is latest

  • If you do add the -t parameter and you still want to have the latest tag, you must write it as another -t parameter.

jina hub push .                     # Result in one tag: latest
jina hub push . -t v1.0.0           # Result in one tag: v1.0.0
jina hub push . -t v1.0.0 -t latest # Result in two tags: v1.0.0, latest

If you want to create a new tag for an existing Executor, you can also add the -t option here:

jina hub push [--public/--private] --force-update <NAME> --secret <SECRET> -t TAG <path_to_executor_folder>

Protected tags#

Protected tags prevent some tags being overwritten and ensures stable, consistent behavior.

You can use the --protected-tag option to create protected tags. After pushing for the first time, the protected tags cannot be pushed again.

jina hub push [--public/--private] --force-update <NAME> --secret <SECRET> --protected-tag <PROTECTED_TAG_1> --protected-tag <PROTECTED_TAG_2> <path_to_executor_folder>

Use environment variables#

The --build-env parameter manages environment variables, letting you use a private token in requirements.txt to install private dependencies. For security reasons, you don’t want to expose this token to anyone else. For example, we have the following requirements.txt:

# requirements.txt

When running jina hub push, you can pass the --build-env parameter:

jina hub push --build-env YOUR_TOKEN=foo


There are restrictions when naming environment variables:

  • Environment variables must be wrapped in { and } in requirements.txt. i.e. ${YOUR_TOKEN}, not $YOUR_TOKEN.

  • Environment variables are limited to numbers, uppercase letters and _ (underscore), and cannot start with _.


There are limitations if you push Executors via --build-env and pull/use it as source code (this doesn’t matter if you use a Docker image):

  • When you use jina hub pull jinaai://<username>/YOUR_EXECUTOR, you must set the corresponding environment variable according to the prompt:

    export YOUR_TOKEN=foo
  • When you use .add(uses='jinaai://<username>/YOUR_EXECUTOR') in a Flow, you must set the corresponding environment variable:

    from jina import Flow, Executor, requests, Document
    import os
    os.environ['YOUR_TOKEN'] = 'foo'
    f = Flow().add(uses='jinaai://<username>/YOUR_EXECUTOR')
    with f:'/', inputs=Document(), on_done=print)

For multiple environment variables:

jina hub push --build-env FIRST=foo --build-env SECOND=bar

Building status of an Executor#

To query the build status of a pushed Executor:

jina hub status [<path_to_executor_folder>] [--id TASK_ID] [--verbose] [--replay]
  • The parameter --id TASK_ID gets the build status of a specific build task

  • The parameter --verbose prints verbose build logs.

  • The parameter --replay, prints build status from the beginning.