jina.hubble.requirements module#

Module for helper functions for parsing requirements file.


Parses a Requirement from a line of a requirement file.


line (str) – a line of a requirement file

Return type:



a Requirement instance for the given line


search the environment variable only match uppercase letter and number and the _ (underscore). :type line: str :param line: a line of a requirement file :rtype: List :return: a List of components


check the environment variables is limited to uppercase letter and number and the _ (underscore). :type env_variable: str :param env_variable: env_variable in the requirements.txt file :rtype: bool :return: True or False if not satisfied


Replace all environment variables that can be retrieved via os.getenv. The only allowed format for environment variables defined in the requirement file is ${MY_VARIABLE_1} to ensure two things: 1. Strings that contain a $ aren’t accidentally (partially) expanded. 2. Ensure consistency across platforms for requirement files. Valid characters in variable names follow the POSIX standard and are limited to uppercase letter and number and the _ (underscore). Replace environment variables in requirement if it’s defined. :type line: str :param line: a line of a requirement file :rtype: str :return: line