Source code for jina.serve.runtimes.asyncio

import argparse
import asyncio
import os
import signal
import time
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union

from grpc import RpcError

from jina import __windows__
from jina.helper import send_telemetry_event
from jina.importer import ImportExtensions
from jina.serve.networking import GrpcConnectionPool
from jina.serve.runtimes.base import BaseRuntime
from jina.serve.runtimes.monitoring import MonitoringMixin
from import DataRequest

    import multiprocessing
    import threading

[docs]class AsyncNewLoopRuntime(BaseRuntime, MonitoringMixin, ABC): """ The async runtime to start a new event loop. """ def __init__( self, args: 'argparse.Namespace', cancel_event: Optional[ Union['asyncio.Event', 'multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'] ] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(args, **kwargs) self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(self._loop) self.is_cancel = cancel_event or asyncio.Event() if not __windows__: # TODO: windows event loops don't support signal handlers try: for signame in {'SIGINT', 'SIGTERM'}: self._loop.add_signal_handler( getattr(signal, signame), lambda *args, **kwargs: self.is_cancel.set(), ) except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as exc: self.logger.warning( f' The runtime {self.__class__.__name__} will not be able to handle termination signals. ' f' {repr(exc)}' ) else: with ImportExtensions( required=True, logger=self.logger, help_text='''If you see a 'DLL load failed' error, please reinstall `pywin32`. If you're using conda, please use the command `conda install -c anaconda pywin32`''', ): import win32api win32api.SetConsoleCtrlHandler( lambda *args, **kwargs: self.is_cancel.set(), True ) self._setup_monitoring() send_telemetry_event(event='start', obj=self) self._loop.run_until_complete(self.async_setup())
[docs] def run_forever(self): """ Running method to block the main thread. Run the event loop until a Future is done. """ self._loop.run_until_complete(self._loop_body())
[docs] def teardown(self): """Call async_teardown() and stop and close the event loop.""" self._loop.run_until_complete(self.async_teardown()) self._loop.stop() self._loop.close() super().teardown()
async def _wait_for_cancel(self): """Do NOT override this method when inheriting from :class:`GatewayPod`""" # threads are not using asyncio.Event, but threading.Event if isinstance(self.is_cancel, asyncio.Event): await self.is_cancel.wait() else: while not self.is_cancel.is_set(): await asyncio.sleep(0.1) await self.async_cancel() async def _loop_body(self): """Do NOT override this method when inheriting from :class:`GatewayPod`""" try: await asyncio.gather(self.async_run_forever(), self._wait_for_cancel()) except asyncio.CancelledError: self.logger.warning('received terminate ctrl message from main process') def _cancel(self): """ Signal the runtime to terminate """ self.is_cancel.set()
[docs] async def async_setup(self): """The async method to setup.""" pass
[docs] async def async_teardown(self): """The async method to clean up resources during teardown. This method should free all resources allocated during async_setup""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod async def async_cancel(self): """An async method to cancel async_run_forever.""" ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def async_run_forever(self): """The async method to run until it is stopped.""" ...
# Static methods used by the Pod to communicate with the `Runtime` in the separate process
[docs] @staticmethod def activate(**kwargs): """ Activate the runtime, does not apply to these runtimes :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments """ # does not apply to this types of runtimes pass
[docs] @staticmethod def is_ready(ctrl_address: str, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Check if status is ready. :param ctrl_address: the address where the control request needs to be sent :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments :return: True if status is ready else False. """ try: from grpc_health.v1 import health_pb2, health_pb2_grpc response = GrpcConnectionPool.send_health_check_sync( ctrl_address, timeout=1.0 ) # TODO: Get the proper value of the ServingStatus SERVING KEY return response.status == 1 except RpcError: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def wait_for_ready_or_shutdown( timeout: Optional[float], ready_or_shutdown_event: Union['multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'], ctrl_address: str, **kwargs, ): """ Check if the runtime has successfully started :param timeout: The time to wait before readiness or failure is determined :param ctrl_address: the address where the control message needs to be sent :param ready_or_shutdown_event: the multiprocessing event to detect if the process failed or is ready :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments :return: True if is ready or it needs to be shutdown """ timeout_ns = 1000000000 * timeout if timeout else None now = time.time_ns() while timeout_ns is None or time.time_ns() - now < timeout_ns: if ready_or_shutdown_event.is_set() or AsyncNewLoopRuntime.is_ready( ctrl_address ): return True time.sleep(0.1) return False
def _log_info_msg(self, request: DataRequest): self._log_data_request(request) def _log_data_request(self, request: DataRequest): self.logger.debug( f'recv DataRequest at {request.header.exec_endpoint} with id: {request.header.request_id}' )