Source code for jina.parsers.orchestrate.runtimes.worker

"""Argparser module for WorkerRuntime"""
from jina import __default_host__, helper
from jina.parsers.helper import KVAppendAction, add_arg_group

[docs]def mixin_worker_runtime_parser(parser): """Mixing in arguments required by :class:`WorkerRuntime` into the given parser. :param parser: the parser instance to which we add arguments """ gp = add_arg_group(parser, title='WorkerRuntime') from jina import __default_executor__ gp.add_argument( '--uses', type=str, default=__default_executor__, help=''' The config of the executor, it could be one of the followings: * the string literal of an Executor class name * an Executor YAML file (.yml, .yaml, .jaml) * a Jina Hub Executor (must start with `jinahub://` or `jinahub+docker://`) * a docker image (must start with `docker://`) * the string literal of a YAML config (must start with `!` or `jtype: `) * the string literal of a JSON config When use it under Python, one can use the following values additionally: - a Python dict that represents the config - a text file stream has `.read()` interface ''', ) gp.add_argument( '--uses-with', action=KVAppendAction, metavar='KEY: VALUE', nargs='*', help=''' Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the `with` configuration in `uses` ''', ) gp.add_argument( '--uses-metas', action=KVAppendAction, metavar='KEY: VALUE', nargs='*', help=''' Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the `metas` configuration in `uses` ''', ) gp.add_argument( '--uses-requests', action=KVAppendAction, metavar='KEY: VALUE', nargs='*', help=''' Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the `requests` configuration in `uses` ''', ) gp.add_argument( '--py-modules', type=str, nargs='*', metavar='PATH', help=''' The customized python modules need to be imported before loading the executor Note that the recommended way is to only import a single module - a simple python file, if your executor can be defined in a single file, or an ```` file if you have multiple files, which should be structured as a python package. For more details, please see the `Executor cookbook <>`__ ''', ) gp.add_argument( '--port-in', type=int, default=helper.random_port(), dest='port', help='The port for input data to bind to, default a random port between [49152, 65535]', ) gp.add_argument( '--host-in', type=str, default=__default_host__, help=f'The host address for binding to, by default it is {__default_host__}', ) gp.add_argument( '--native', action='store_true', default=False, help='If set, only native Executors is allowed, and the Executor is always run inside WorkerRuntime.', ) gp.add_argument( '--output-array-type', type=str, default=None, help=''' The type of array `tensor` and `embedding` will be serialized to. Supports the same types as `docarray.to_protobuf(.., ndarray_type=...)`, which can be found `here <>`. Defaults to retaining whatever type is returned by the Executor. ''', ) gp.add_argument( '--grpc-server-options', action=KVAppendAction, metavar='KEY: VALUE', nargs='*', help="Dictionary of kwargs arguments that will be passed to the grpc server as options when starting the server, example : {'grpc.max_send_message_length': -1}", default=None, )