Source code for jina.orchestrate.deployments

import copy
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
from abc import abstractmethod
from argparse import Namespace
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import ExitStack
from itertools import cycle
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union

from jina import __default_executor__, __default_host__, __docker_host__, helper
from jina.enums import DeploymentRoleType, PodRoleType, PollingType
from jina.helper import CatchAllCleanupContextManager, _parse_ports
from jina.hubble.helper import replace_secret_of_hub_uri
from jina.hubble.hubio import HubIO
from jina.jaml.helper import complete_path
from jina.orchestrate.pods.factory import PodFactory
from jina.serve.networking import host_is_local, in_docker

WRAPPED_SLICE_BASE = r'\[[-\d:]+\]'

[docs]class BaseDeployment(ExitStack): """A BaseDeployment is an immutable set of pods. Internally, the pods can run with the process/thread backend. They can be also run in their own containers on remote machines. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def start(self) -> 'BaseDeployment': """Start to run all :class:`Pod` in this BaseDeployment. .. note:: If one of the :class:`Pod` fails to start, make sure that all of them are properly closed. """ ...
@staticmethod def _set_upload_files(args): # sets args.upload_files at the deployment level so that pods inherit from it. # all pods work under one remote workspace, hence important to have upload_files set for all def valid_path(path): try: complete_path(path) return True except FileNotFoundError: return False _upload_files = set() for param in ['uses', 'uses_before', 'uses_after']: param_value = getattr(args, param, None) if param_value and valid_path(param_value): _upload_files.add(param_value) if getattr(args, 'py_modules', None): _upload_files.update( {py_module for py_module in args.py_modules if valid_path(py_module)} ) if getattr(args, 'upload_files', None): _upload_files.update( { upload_file for upload_file in args.upload_files if valid_path(upload_file) } ) return list(_upload_files) @property def role(self) -> 'DeploymentRoleType': """Return the role of this :class:`BaseDeployment`. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return self.args.deployment_role @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of this :class:`BaseDeployment`. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return @property def head_host(self) -> str: """Get the host of the HeadPod of this deployment .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return if self.head_args else None @property def head_port(self): """Get the port of the HeadPod of this deployment .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return self.head_args.port if self.head_args else None @property def head_port_monitoring(self): """Get the port_monitoring of the HeadPod of this deployment .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return self.head_args.port_monitoring if self.head_args else None def __enter__(self) -> 'BaseDeployment': with CatchAllCleanupContextManager(self): return self.start() @staticmethod def _copy_to_head_args(args: Namespace) -> Namespace: """ Set the outgoing args of the head router :param args: basic arguments :return: enriched head arguments """ _head_args = copy.deepcopy(args) _head_args.polling = args.polling if not hasattr(args, 'port') or not args.port: _head_args.port = helper.random_port() else: _head_args.port = args.port _head_args.uses = args.uses _head_args.pod_role = PodRoleType.HEAD _head_args.runtime_cls = 'HeadRuntime' _head_args.replicas = 1 if = f'{}/head' else: = f'head' return _head_args @property @abstractmethod def head_args(self) -> Namespace: """Get the arguments for the `head` of this BaseDeployment. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def join(self): """Wait until all deployment and pods exit.""" ...
@property @abstractmethod def _mermaid_str(self) -> List[str]: """String that will be used to represent the Deployment graphically when `Flow.plot()` is invoked .. # noqa: DAR201 """ ... @property def deployments(self) -> List[Dict]: """Get deployments of the deployment. The BaseDeployment just gives one deployment. :return: list of deployments """ return [ { 'name':, 'head_host': self.head_host, 'head_port': self.head_port, } ]
[docs]class Deployment(BaseDeployment): """A Deployment is an immutable set of pods, which run in replicas. They share the same input and output socket. Internally, the pods can run with the process/thread backend. They can be also run in their own containers :param args: arguments parsed from the CLI :param needs: deployments names of preceding deployments, the output of these deployments are going into the input of this deployment """ class _ReplicaSet: def __init__( self, deployment_args: Namespace, args: List[Namespace], head_pod, ): self.deployment_args = copy.copy(deployment_args) self.args = args self.shard_id = args[0].shard_id self._pods = [] self.head_pod = head_pod @property def is_ready(self): return all(p.is_ready.is_set() for p in self._pods) def clear_pods(self): self._pods.clear() @property def num_pods(self): return len(self._pods) def join(self): for pod in self._pods: pod.join() def wait_start_success(self): for pod in self._pods: pod.wait_start_success() def __enter__(self): for _args in self.args: if getattr(self.deployment_args, 'noblock_on_start', False): _args.noblock_on_start = True self._pods.append(PodFactory.build_pod(_args).start()) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): closing_exception = None for pod in self._pods: try: pod.close() except Exception as exc: if closing_exception is None: closing_exception = exc if exc_val is None and closing_exception is not None: raise closing_exception def __init__( self, args: Union['Namespace', Dict], needs: Optional[Set[str]] = None ): super().__init__() args.upload_files = BaseDeployment._set_upload_files(args) self.args = args self.args.polling = ( args.polling if hasattr(args, 'polling') else PollingType.ANY ) # polling only works for shards, if there are none, polling will be ignored if getattr(args, 'shards', 1) == 1: self.args.polling = PollingType.ANY self.needs = ( needs or set() ) #: used in the :class:`jina.flow.Flow` to build the graph self.uses_before_pod = None self.uses_after_pod = None self.head_pod = None self.shards = {} self._update_port_args() self.update_pod_args() self._sandbox_deployed = False def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) self.join() def _update_port_args(self): _all_port_monitoring = _parse_ports(self.args.port_monitoring) self.args.all_port_monitoring = ( [_all_port_monitoring] if not type(_all_port_monitoring) == list else _all_port_monitoring ) self.args.port_monitoring = int( self.args.all_port_monitoring[0] ) # this is for the head
[docs] def update_pod_args(self): """Update args of all its pods based on Deployment args. Including head/tail""" if isinstance(self.args, Dict): # This is used when a Deployment is created in a remote context, where pods & their connections are already given. self.pod_args = self.args else: self.pod_args = self._parse_args(self.args)
[docs] def update_sandbox_args(self): """Update args of all its pods based on the host and port returned by Hubble""" if self.is_sandbox: host, port = HubIO.deploy_public_sandbox(self.args) self._sandbox_deployed = True = host self.first_pod_args.port = port if self.head_args: self.pod_args['head'].host = host self.pod_args['head'].port = port
[docs] def update_worker_pod_args(self): """Update args of all its worker pods based on Deployment args. Does not touch head and tail""" self.pod_args['pods'] = self._set_pod_args(self.args)
@property def is_sandbox(self) -> bool: """ Check if this deployment is a sandbox. :return: True if this deployment is provided as a sandbox, False otherwise """ uses = getattr(self.args, 'uses', '') is_sandbox = uses.startswith('jinahub+sandbox://') return is_sandbox @property def _is_docker(self) -> bool: """ Check if this deployment is to be run in docker. :return: True if this deployment is to be run in docker """ uses = getattr(self.args, 'uses', '') is_docker = uses.startswith('jinahub+docker://') or uses.startswith('docker://') return is_docker @property def tls_enabled(self): """ Checks whether secure connection via tls is enabled for this Deployment. :return: True if tls is enabled, False otherwise """ has_cert = getattr(self.args, 'ssl_certfile', None) is not None has_key = getattr(self.args, 'ssl_keyfile', None) is not None tls = getattr(self.args, 'tls', False) return tls or self.is_sandbox or (has_cert and has_key) @property def external(self) -> bool: """ Check if this deployment is external. :return: True if this deployment is provided as an external deployment, False otherwise """ return getattr(self.args, 'external', False) or self.is_sandbox @property def protocol(self): """ :return: the protocol of this deployment """ protocol = getattr(self.args, 'protocol', 'grpc') return str(protocol) + ('s' if self.tls_enabled else '') @property def first_pod_args(self) -> Namespace: """Return the first worker pod's args .. # noqa: DAR201 """ # note this will be never out of boundary return self.pod_args['pods'][0][0] @property def host(self) -> str: """Get the host name of this deployment .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return @property def port(self): """ :return: the port of this deployment """ return self.first_pod_args.port @property def ports(self) -> List[int]: """Returns a list of ports exposed by this Deployment. Exposed means these are the ports a Client/Gateway is supposed to communicate with. For sharded deployments this will be the head_port. For non sharded deployments it will be all replica ports .. # noqa: DAR201 """ if self.head_port: return [self.head_port] else: ports = [] for replica in self.pod_args['pods'][0]: ports.append(replica.port) return ports @property def dockerized_uses(self) -> bool: """Checks if this Deployment uses a dockerized Executor .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return self.args.uses.startswith('docker://') or self.args.uses.startswith( 'jinahub+docker://' ) def _parse_args( self, args: Namespace ) -> Dict[str, Optional[Union[List[Namespace], Namespace]]]: return self._parse_base_deployment_args(args) @property def head_args(self) -> Namespace: """Get the arguments for the `head` of this Deployment. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return self.pod_args['head'] @head_args.setter def head_args(self, args): """Set the arguments for the `head` of this Deployment. .. # noqa: DAR101 """ self.pod_args['head'] = args @property def uses_before_args(self) -> Namespace: """Get the arguments for the `uses_before` of this Deployment. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return self.pod_args['uses_before'] @uses_before_args.setter def uses_before_args(self, args): """Set the arguments for the `uses_before` of this Deployment. .. # noqa: DAR101 """ self.pod_args['uses_before'] = args @property def uses_after_args(self) -> Namespace: """Get the arguments for the `uses_after` of this Deployment. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return self.pod_args['uses_after'] @uses_after_args.setter def uses_after_args(self, args): """Set the arguments for the `uses_after` of this Deployment. .. # noqa: DAR101 """ self.pod_args['uses_after'] = args @property def all_args(self) -> List[Namespace]: """Get all arguments of all Pods in this BaseDeployment. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ all_args = ( ([self.pod_args['uses_before']] if self.pod_args['uses_before'] else []) + ([self.pod_args['uses_after']] if self.pod_args['uses_after'] else []) + ([self.pod_args['head']] if self.pod_args['head'] else []) ) for shard_id in self.pod_args['pods']: all_args += self.pod_args['pods'][shard_id] return all_args @property def num_pods(self) -> int: """Get the number of running :class:`Pod` .. # noqa: DAR201 """ num_pods = 0 if self.head_pod is not None: num_pods += 1 if self.uses_before_pod is not None: num_pods += 1 if self.uses_after_pod is not None: num_pods += 1 if self.shards: # external deployments for shard_id in self.shards: num_pods += self.shards[shard_id].num_pods return num_pods def __eq__(self, other: 'BaseDeployment'): return self.num_pods == other.num_pods and ==
[docs] @staticmethod def get_worker_host(pod_args, pod_is_container, head_is_container): """ Check if the current pod and head are both containerized on the same host If so __docker_host__ needs to be advertised as the worker's address to the head :param pod_args: arguments of the worker pod :param pod_is_container: boolean specifying if pod is to be run in container :param head_is_container: boolean specifying if head pod is to be run in container :return: host to pass in connection list of the head """ # Check if the current pod and head are both containerized on the same host # If so __docker_host__ needs to be advertised as the worker's address to the head worker_host = ( __docker_host__ if (pod_is_container and (head_is_container or in_docker())) and host_is_local( else ) return worker_host
[docs] def start(self) -> 'Deployment': """ Start to run all :class:`Pod` in this BaseDeployment. :return: started deployment .. note:: If one of the :class:`Pod` fails to start, make sure that all of them are properly closed. """ if self.is_sandbox and not self._sandbox_deployed: self.update_sandbox_args() if self.pod_args['uses_before'] is not None: _args = self.pod_args['uses_before'] if getattr(self.args, 'noblock_on_start', False): _args.noblock_on_start = True self.uses_before_pod = PodFactory.build_pod(_args) self.enter_context(self.uses_before_pod) if self.pod_args['uses_after'] is not None: _args = self.pod_args['uses_after'] if getattr(self.args, 'noblock_on_start', False): _args.noblock_on_start = True self.uses_after_pod = PodFactory.build_pod(_args) self.enter_context(self.uses_after_pod) if self.pod_args['head'] is not None: _args = self.pod_args['head'] if getattr(self.args, 'noblock_on_start', False): _args.noblock_on_start = True self.head_pod = PodFactory.build_pod(_args) self.enter_context(self.head_pod) for shard_id in self.pod_args['pods']: self.shards[shard_id] = self._ReplicaSet( self.args, self.pod_args['pods'][shard_id], self.head_pod, ) self.enter_context(self.shards[shard_id]) return self
[docs] def wait_start_success(self) -> None: """Block until all pods starts successfully. If not successful, it will raise an error hoping the outer function to catch it """ if not self.args.noblock_on_start: raise ValueError( f'{self.wait_start_success!r} should only be called when `noblock_on_start` is set to True' ) try: if self.uses_before_pod is not None: self.uses_before_pod.wait_start_success() if self.uses_after_pod is not None: self.uses_after_pod.wait_start_success() if self.head_pod is not None: self.head_pod.wait_start_success() for shard_id in self.shards: self.shards[shard_id].wait_start_success() except: self.close() raise
[docs] def join(self): """Wait until all pods exit""" try: if self.uses_before_pod is not None: self.uses_before_pod.join() if self.uses_after_pod is not None: self.uses_after_pod.join() if self.head_pod is not None: self.head_pod.join() if self.shards: for shard_id in self.shards: self.shards[shard_id].join() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: self.head_pod = None if self.shards: for shard_id in self.shards: self.shards[shard_id].clear_pods()
@property def is_ready(self) -> bool: """Checks if Deployment is ready .. note:: A Deployment is ready when all the Pods it contains are ready .. # noqa: DAR201 """ is_ready = True if self.head_pod is not None: is_ready = self.head_pod.is_ready.is_set() if is_ready: for shard_id in self.shards: is_ready = self.shards[shard_id].is_ready if is_ready and self.uses_before_pod is not None: is_ready = self.uses_before_pod.is_ready.is_set() if is_ready and self.uses_after_pod is not None: is_ready = self.uses_after_pod.is_ready.is_set() return is_ready @staticmethod def _parse_slice(value: str): """Parses a `slice()` from string, like `start:stop:step`. :param value: a string like :return: slice """ if re.match(WRAPPED_SLICE_BASE, value): value = value[1:-1] if value: parts = value.split(':') if len(parts) == 1: # slice(stop) parts = [parts[0], str(int(parts[0]) + 1)] # else: slice(start, stop[, step]) else: # slice() parts = [] return slice(*[int(p) if p else None for p in parts]) @staticmethod def _roundrobin_cuda_device(device_str: str, replicas: int): """Parse cuda device string with RR prefix :param device_str: `RRm:n`, where `RR` is the prefix, m:n is python slice format :param replicas: the number of replicas :return: a map from replica id to device id """ if ( device_str and isinstance(device_str, str) and device_str.startswith('RR') and replicas >= 1 ): try: num_devices = str(subprocess.check_output(['nvidia-smi', '-L'])).count( 'UUID' ) except: num_devices = int(os.environ.get('CUDA_TOTAL_DEVICES', 0)) if num_devices == 0: return all_devices = list(range(num_devices)) if device_str[2:]: all_devices = all_devices[Deployment._parse_slice(device_str[2:])] _c = cycle(all_devices) return {j: next(_c) for j in range(replicas)} @staticmethod def _set_pod_args(args: Namespace) -> Dict[int, List[Namespace]]: result = {} sharding_enabled = args.shards and args.shards > 1 cuda_device_map = None if args.env: cuda_device_map = Deployment._roundrobin_cuda_device( args.env.get('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'), args.replicas ) for shard_id in range(args.shards): replica_args = [] for replica_id in range(args.replicas): _args = copy.deepcopy(args) _args.shard_id = shard_id _args.pod_role = PodRoleType.WORKER if cuda_device_map: _args.env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(cuda_device_map[replica_id]) = if += ( f'/shard-{shard_id}/rep-{replica_id}' if sharding_enabled else f'/rep-{replica_id}' ) else: = f'{replica_id}' # the gateway needs to respect the assigned port if args.deployment_role == DeploymentRoleType.GATEWAY or args.external: _args.port = args.port elif args.shards == 1 and args.replicas == 1: _args.port = args.port _args.port_monitoring = args.port_monitoring elif args.shards == 1: _args.port_monitoring = ( helper.random_port() if replica_id >= len(args.all_port_monitoring) else args.all_port_monitoring[replica_id] ) # if there are no shards/replicas, we dont need to distribute ports randomly # we should rather use the pre assigned one _args.port = helper.random_port() elif args.shards > 1: port_monitoring_index = ( replica_id + args.replicas * shard_id + 1 ) # the first index is for the head _args.port_monitoring = ( helper.random_port() if port_monitoring_index >= len(args.all_port_monitoring) else args.all_port_monitoring[ port_monitoring_index ] # we skip the head port here ) _args.port = helper.random_port() else: _args.port = helper.random_port() _args.port_monitoring = helper.random_port() # pod workspace if not set then derive from workspace if not _args.workspace: _args.workspace = args.workspace replica_args.append(_args) result[shard_id] = replica_args return result @staticmethod def _set_uses_before_after_args(args: Namespace, entity_type: str) -> Namespace: _args = copy.deepcopy(args) _args.pod_role = PodRoleType.WORKER = __default_host__ _args.port = helper.random_port() if += f'/{entity_type}-0' else: = f'{entity_type}-0' if 'uses_before' == entity_type: _args.uses_requests = None _args.uses = args.uses_before or __default_executor__ elif 'uses_after' == entity_type: _args.uses_requests = None _args.uses = args.uses_after or __default_executor__ else: raise ValueError( f'uses_before/uses_after pod does not support type {entity_type}' ) # pod workspace if not set then derive from workspace if not _args.workspace: _args.workspace = args.workspace return _args def _parse_base_deployment_args(self, args): parsed_args = { 'head': None, 'uses_before': None, 'uses_after': None, 'pods': {}, } # a gateway has no heads and uses # also there a no heads created, if there are no shards if self.role != DeploymentRoleType.GATEWAY and getattr(args, 'shards', 1) > 1: if ( getattr(args, 'uses_before', None) and args.uses_before != __default_executor__ ): uses_before_args = self._set_uses_before_after_args( args, entity_type='uses_before' ) parsed_args['uses_before'] = uses_before_args args.uses_before_address = ( f'{}:{uses_before_args.port}' ) if ( getattr(args, 'uses_after', None) and args.uses_after != __default_executor__ ): uses_after_args = self._set_uses_before_after_args( args, entity_type='uses_after' ) parsed_args['uses_after'] = uses_after_args args.uses_after_address = ( f'{}:{uses_after_args.port}' ) parsed_args['head'] = BaseDeployment._copy_to_head_args(args) parsed_args['pods'] = self._set_pod_args(args) if parsed_args['head'] is not None: connection_list = defaultdict(list) for shard_id in parsed_args['pods']: for pod_idx, pod_args in enumerate(parsed_args['pods'][shard_id]): worker_host = self.get_worker_host(pod_args, self._is_docker, False) connection_list[shard_id].append(f'{worker_host}:{pod_args.port}') parsed_args['head'].connection_list = json.dumps(connection_list) return parsed_args @property def _mermaid_str(self) -> List[str]: """String that will be used to represent the Deployment graphically when `Flow.plot()` is invoked. It does not include used_before/uses_after .. # noqa: DAR201 """ mermaid_graph = [] secret = '&ltsecret&gt' if self.role != DeploymentRoleType.GATEWAY and not self.external: mermaid_graph = [f'subgraph {};', f'\ndirection LR;\n'] uses_before_name = ( if self.uses_before_args is not None else None ) uses_before_uses = ( replace_secret_of_hub_uri(self.uses_before_args.uses, secret) if self.uses_before_args is not None else None ) uses_after_name = ( if self.uses_after_args is not None else None ) uses_after_uses = ( replace_secret_of_hub_uri(self.uses_after_args.uses, secret) if self.uses_after_args is not None else None ) shard_names = [] if len(self.pod_args['pods']) > 1: # multiple shards for shard_id, pod_args in self.pod_args['pods'].items(): shard_name = f'{}/shard-{shard_id}' shard_names.append(shard_name) shard_mermaid_graph = [ f'subgraph {shard_name};', f'\ndirection TB;\n', ] names = [ for args in pod_args ] # all the names of each of the replicas uses = [ args.uses for args in pod_args ] # all the uses should be the same but let's keep it this # way for rep_i, (name, use) in enumerate(zip(names, uses)): escaped_uses = f'"{replace_secret_of_hub_uri(use, secret)}"' shard_mermaid_graph.append(f'{name}[{escaped_uses}]:::pod;') shard_mermaid_graph.append('end;') shard_mermaid_graph = [ node.replace(';', '\n') for node in shard_mermaid_graph ] mermaid_graph.extend(shard_mermaid_graph) mermaid_graph.append('\n') if uses_before_name is not None: for shard_name in shard_names: escaped_uses_before_uses = ( f'"{replace_secret_of_hub_uri(uses_before_uses, secret)}"' ) mermaid_graph.append( f'{}-head[{escaped_uses_before_uses}]:::HEADTAIL --> {shard_name};' ) if uses_after_name is not None: for shard_name in shard_names: escaped_uses_after_uses = f'"{uses_after_uses}"' mermaid_graph.append( f'{shard_name} --> {}-tail[{escaped_uses_after_uses}]:::HEADTAIL;' ) else: # single shard case, no uses_before or uses_after_considered pod_args = list(self.pod_args['pods'].values())[0][0] uses = f'"{replace_secret_of_hub_uri(pod_args.uses, secret)}"' # just put the replicas in parallel if pod_args.replicas > 1: for rep_i in range(pod_args.replicas): mermaid_graph.append( f'{}/rep-{rep_i}["{uses}"]:::pod;' ) else: mermaid_graph.append(f'{}["{uses}"]:::pod;') mermaid_graph.append('end;') return mermaid_graph