Source code for jina.clients.base.http

import asyncio
from contextlib import AsyncExitStack
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Tuple

from starlette import status

from jina.clients.base import BaseClient
from jina.clients.base.helper import HTTPClientlet
from jina.clients.helper import callback_exec
from jina.excepts import BadClient
from jina.importer import ImportExtensions
from jina.logging.profile import ProgressBar
from import RequestStreamer
from jina.types.request import Request
from import DataRequest

    from jina.clients.base import CallbackFnType, InputType

[docs]class HTTPBaseClient(BaseClient): """A MixIn for HTTP Client.""" def _handle_response_status(self, r_status, r_str, url): if r_status == status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND: raise BadClient(f'no such endpoint {url}') elif ( r_status == status.HTTP_503_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE or r_status == status.HTTP_504_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT ): if ( 'header' in r_str and 'status' in r_str['header'] and 'description' in r_str['header']['status'] ): raise ConnectionError(r_str['header']['status']['description']) else: raise ValueError(r_str) elif ( r_status < status.HTTP_200_OK or r_status > status.HTTP_300_MULTIPLE_CHOICES ): # failure codes raise ValueError(r_str) async def _dry_run(self, **kwargs) -> bool: """Sends a dry run to the Flow to validate if the Flow is ready to receive requests :param kwargs: kwargs coming from the public interface. Includes arguments to be passed to the `HTTPClientlet` :return: boolean indicating the health/readiness of the Flow """ from jina.proto import jina_pb2 async with AsyncExitStack() as stack: try: proto = 'https' if self.args.tls else 'http' url = f'{proto}://{}:{self.args.port}/dry_run' iolet = await stack.enter_async_context( HTTPClientlet(url=url, logger=self.logger, **kwargs) ) response = await iolet.send_dry_run(**kwargs) r_status = response.status r_str = await response.json() self._handle_response_status(r_status, r_str, url) if r_str['code'] == jina_pb2.StatusProto.SUCCESS: return True else: self.logger.error( f'Returned code is not expected! Description: {r_str["description"]}' ) except Exception as e: self.logger.error( f'Error while fetching response from HTTP server {e!r}' ) return False async def _get_results( self, inputs: 'InputType', on_done: 'CallbackFnType', on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param inputs: the callable :param on_done: the callback for on_done :param on_error: the callback for on_error :param on_always: the callback for on_always :param kwargs: kwargs coming from the public interface. Includes arguments to be passed to the `HTTPClientlet` :yields: generator over results """ with ImportExtensions(required=True): import aiohttp self.inputs = inputs request_iterator = self._get_requests(**kwargs) async with AsyncExitStack() as stack: cm1 = ProgressBar( total_length=self._inputs_length, disable=not (self.show_progress) ) p_bar = stack.enter_context(cm1) proto = 'https' if self.args.tls else 'http' url = f'{proto}://{}:{self.args.port}/post' iolet = await stack.enter_async_context( HTTPClientlet(url=url, logger=self.logger, **kwargs) ) def _request_handler( request: 'Request', ) -> 'Tuple[asyncio.Future, Optional[asyncio.Future]]': """ For HTTP Client, for each request in the iterator, we `send_message` using http POST request and add it to the list of tasks which is awaited and yielded. :param request: current request in the iterator :return: asyncio Task for sending message """ return asyncio.ensure_future(iolet.send_message(request=request)), None def _result_handler(result): return result streamer = RequestStreamer( request_handler=_request_handler, result_handler=_result_handler, prefetch=getattr(self.args, 'prefetch', 0), logger=self.logger, **vars(self.args) ) async for response in r_status = response.status r_str = await response.json() self._handle_response_status(r_status, r_str, url) da = None if 'data' in r_str and r_str['data'] is not None: from docarray import DocumentArray da = DocumentArray.from_dict(r_str['data']) del r_str['data'] resp = DataRequest(r_str) if da is not None: = da callback_exec( response=resp, on_error=on_error, on_done=on_done, on_always=on_always, continue_on_error=self.continue_on_error, logger=self.logger, ) if self.show_progress: p_bar.update() yield resp