Executors inside a Flow#

Executors are a way to group your DocumentArray functions and processing logic into a class that can share configuration and state in a modular way. The main advantage of Executors is using them in a Flow, which can serve, scale, and deploy them with ease.

YAML and Python API#

An Executor can be loaded from a YAML file or via Python API.


This is a basic Executor, defined in its own file. Notice that there are no request bindings. If an Executor is used in a Flow, these bindings can be configured via the Python or YAML Flow syntax, so each Flow can use the Executor in its own way. However, the standard way of adding @requests in the Executor itself would still work just fine.

from jina import Executor
from docarray import DocumentArray

class MyExecutor(Executor):
    def __init__(self, parameter_1, parameter_2, **kwargs):
        print(f'parameter_1 = {parameter_1}')
        print(f'parameter_2 = {parameter_2}')

    def my_index(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
        print('in my_index, bound to /index')

    def my_search(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
        print('in my_search, bound to /search')

    def foo(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
        print('in foo, bound to /random')

This YAML configuration can also be referenced or directly used inside a Flow YAML. The YAML file has the following format:

This example shows how to start a Flow with an Executor via the Python API:

with Flow().add(
    uses_with={"parameter_1": "foo", "parameter_2": "bar"},
        "name": "MyExecutor",
        "description": "MyExecutor does a thing to the stuff in your Documents",
        "py_modules": ["executor.py"],
    uses_requests={"/index": "my_index", "/search": "my_search", "/random": "foo"},
) as f:

Python API-specific options:

  • uses can be a class or string that defines the Executor to load. You can also run Executors available on Jina Hub with a special syntax.

  jtype: MyExecutor
    parameter_1: foo
    parameter_2: bar
    name: MyExecutor
    description: "MyExecutor does a thing to the stuff in your Documents"
      - executor.py
    /index: MyExecutor_index_method
    /search: MyExecutor_search_method
    /random: MyExecutor_other_method
  workspace: some_custom_path

YAML-specific options:

  • jtype is a string that defines the class name, interchangeable with bang mark !;

Common arguments for both YAML and Python API:

  • uses_with is a key-value map that defines the arguments of the Executor’ __init__ method.

  • uses_metas is a key-value map that defines some internal attributes of the Executor. It contains the following fields:

    • name is a string that defines the name of the executor;

    • description is a string that defines the description of this executor. It will be used in automatic docs UI;

    • py_modules is a list of strings that defines the Python dependencies of the executor;

  • uses_requests is a key-value map that defines the mapping from endpoint to class method. Useful if one needs to overwrite the default endpoint-to-method mapping defined in the Executor python implementation.

  • workspace is a string value that defines the workspace.

Passing and overriding arguments#

When using an Executor in a Flow, there are two ways of passing arguments.

from jina import Executor, Flow

class MyExecutor(Executor):
    def __init__(self, foo, bar, **kwargs):
        print(f'foo = {foo}')
        print(f'bar = {bar}')

f = Flow().add(uses=MyExecutor, uses_with={'foo': 'hello', 'bar': 1})

with f:
jtype: MyExecutor
  foo: hello
  bar: 1
from jina import Executor, Flow

class MyExecutor(Executor):
    def __init__(self, foo, bar, **kwargs):
        print(f'foo = {foo}')
        print(f'bar = {bar}')

f = Flow().add(uses='my-exec.yml')

with f:


uses_with in Python API has higher priority than predefined uses_with config in YAML.

The same applies to uses_metas and uses_requests. You can define them statically inside the Executor definition YAML, or update their default values through uses_metas and uses_requests in Python API.

from jina import Executor, requests, Flow

class MyExecutor(Executor):
    def __init__(self, parameter_1, parameter_2, **kwargs):
        self.parameter_1 = parameter_1
        self.parameter_2 = parameter_2
            f' \nparameter_1: {parameter_1}\nparameter_2: {parameter_2}\nmetas: {self.metas}\nrequests: {self.requests}'

    def default_fn(self, **kwargs):

    def foo(self, **kwargs):

    def bar(self, **kwargs):

exec_yaml = """ 
jtype: MyExecutor
  parameter_1: static_parameter_1
  parameter_2: static_parameter_2
  name: MyExecutor
  description: "MyExecutor does a thing to the stuff in your Documents"
  /index: default_fn
  /search: default_fn

flow1 = Flow().add(uses=exec_yaml)

print(f'\nStarting Flow with default Executor parameters')
with flow1:

flow2 = Flow().add(
        'parameter_1': 'overridden_parameter_1',
        'parameter_2': 'overridden_parameter_2',
    uses_metas={'name': 'Dynamic Name'},
    uses_requests={'/index': 'foo', '/search': 'bar'},

print(f'\nStarting Flow with overriden Executor parameters')
with flow2:
parameter_1: static_parameter_1
parameter_2: static_parameter_2
metas: namespace(description='MyExecutor does a thing to the stuff in your Documents', name='MyExecutor', py_modules='', workspace='workspace')
requests: {'/default': <function MyExecutor.bar at 0x7fc3163f0710>, '/index': <function MyExecutor.default_fn at 0x7fc3163cc050>, '/search': <function MyExecutor.default_fn at 0x7fc3163cc050>}

parameter_1: overriden_parameter_1
parameter_2: overriden_parameter_2
metas: namespace(description='MyExecutor does a thing to the stuff in your Documents', name='Dynamic Name', py_modules='', workspace='overriden_worskpace')
requests: {'/index': <function MyExecutor.foo at 0x7fc3163ddb90>, '/search': <function MyExecutor.bar at 0x7fc3163f0710>}

Internal Executor attributes#

When implementing an Executor, if your Executor overrides __init__, it needs to carry **kwargs in the signature and call super().__init__(**kwargs)

from jina import Executor

class MyExecutor(Executor):
    def __init__(self, foo: str, bar: int, **kwargs):
        self.bar = bar
        self.foo = foo

This is important because when an Executor is instantiated in the context of a Flow, Jina is adding extra arguments. Some of these arguments can be used when developing the internal logic of the Executor.

These special arguments are workspace, requests, metas, runtime_args.


Each Executor has a special workspace that is reserved for that specific Executor instance. The .workspace property contains the path to this workspace.

This workspace is based on the workspace passed when adding the Executor: flow.add(..., workspace='path/to/workspace/'). The final workspace is generated by appending '/<executor_name>/<shard_id>/'.

This can be provided to the Executor via the Python or YAML API.

Default workspace

If the user hasn’t provided a workspace, the Executor uses a default workspace, which is defined in the JINA_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_BASE environment variable.


After you install jina, the JINA_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_BASE environment variable will be set in your .bashrc, .zshrc, or .fish file.

To change the default Executor workspace on your system, you can change the value of this environment variable. However, if you directly edit the corresponding command in your .bashrc (or .zshrc/.fish) file, your changes will be reverted the next time you install jina on your system.

Instead, you can add export JINA_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_BASE=$YOUR_WOKSPACE after the # JINA_CLI_END comment.


By default, an Executor object contains .requests as an attribute when loaded from the Flow. This attribute is a Dict describing the mapping between Executor methods and network endpoints: It holds endpoint strings as keys, and pointers to functions as values.

These can be provided to the Executor via the Python or YAML API.


An Executor object contains .metas as an attribute when loaded from the Flow. It is of SimpleNamespace type and contains some key-value information.

The list of the metas are:

  • name: Name given to the Executor

  • description: Optional description of the Executor

  • py_modules: List of Python modules needed to import the Executor

These can be provided to the Executor via the Python or YAML API.


By default, an Executor object contains .runtime_args as an attribute when loaded from the Flow. It is of SimpleNamespace type and contains information in key-value format. As the name suggests, runtime_args are dynamically determined during runtime, meaning that you don’t know the value before running the Executor. These values are often related to the system/network environment around the Executor, and less about the Executor itself, like shard_id and replicas. They are usually set with the add() method.

The list of the runtime_args is:

  • name: Name given to the Executor. This is dynamically adapted from the name in metas and depends on some additional arguments like shard_id.

  • replicas: Number of replicas of the same Executor deployed with the Flow.

  • shards: Number of shards of the same Executor deployed with the Flow.

  • shard_id: Identifier of the shard corresponding to the given Executor instance.

  • workspace: Path to be used by the Executor. Note that the actual workspace directory used by the Executor is obtained by appending '/<executor_name>/<shard_id>/' to this value.

  • py_modules: Path to the modules needed to import the Executor. This is another way to pass py-modules to the Executor from the Flow

These can not be provided by the user through any API. They are generated by the Flow orchestration.

Passing and changing request parameters#

An important feature of Executor, beyond the capacity of processing Documents, is the capacity to receive parameters and to return additional results.

Results are returned inside the parameters dictionary, behind the reserved __results__ key.

Note, however, that not all Executors or request methods populate this field with results. Some just modify the Documents passed to them, without adding further information.

In this example, MyExec receives the parameter {'top_k': 10} from the client, which can then be used internally.

It also exposes a status endpoint returning internal information in the form of a dict.

from jina import requests, Executor

class MyExec(Executor):
    def __init__(self, parameter=20, **kwargs):
        self.parameter = parameter

    def status(self, **kwargs):
        return {'internal_parameter': self.parameter}

    def search(self, parameters, **kwargs):
        print(f'Searching with top_k {parameters["top_k"]}')
Example usage and output
f = Flow().add(uses=MyExec, name='my_executor')

def print_response_parameters(resp):
    print(f' {resp.to_dict()["parameters"]}')

with f:
    f.post(on='/index', parameters={'top_k': 10}, inputs=[])
    f.post(on='/status', inputs=[], on_done=print_response_parameters)
Searching with top_k 10.0
 {'__results__': {'my_executor/rep-0': {'internal_parameter': 20.0}}}

Exception handling#

Exceptions raised inside @requests-decorated functions can simply be raised. The Flow will handle it.

from jina import Executor, requests, Flow

class MyExecutor(Executor):
    def foo(self, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError('no time for it')
Example usage and output
from jina import Flow
from executor import MyExecutor

f = Flow().add(uses=MyExecutor)

def print_why(resp, exception):

with f:
    f.post('', on_error=print_why)
executor0/rep-0@28271[E]:NotImplementedError('no time for it')
 add "--quiet-error" to suppress the exception details
  File "/home/joan/jina/jina/jina/serve/executors/decorators.py", line 115, in arg_wrapper
    return fn(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/joan/jina/jina/toy.py", line 8, in foo
    raise NotImplementedError('no time for it')
NotImplementedError: no time for it
NotImplementedError('no time for it')

Graceful shutdown of an Executor#

You might need to execute some logic when your Executor’s destructor is called. For example, you want to persist data to the disk (e.g. in-memory indexed data, fine-tuned model,…). To do so, you can overwrite the close method and add your logic.

Jina will make sure that the close method is executed when the Executor is terminated inside a Flow or when deployed in any cloud-native environment.

You can think of this as Jina using the Executor as a context manager, making sure that the close method is always executed.

from jina import Executor, requests

class MyExec(Executor):
    def foo(self, docs, **kwargs):
        for doc in docs:

    def close(self):
from jina import DocumentArray, Document, Flow

with MyExec() as executor:
    executor.foo(DocumentArray([Document(text='hello world')]))

f = Flow().add(uses=MyExec)

with f:
    f.post(inputs=DocumentArray([Document(text='hello world')]))
Using MyExec as a context manager
hello world
Using MyExec in the Flow
           Flow@30104[I]:🎉 Flow is ready to use!
	🔗 Protocol: 		GRPC
	🏠 Local access:
	🔒 Private network:
	🌐 Public address:
hello world

Process finished with exit code 0

Multiple DocumentArrays as input#

You have seen that Executor methods can receive three types of parameters: docs, parameters and docs_matrix.

docs_matrix is a parameter that is only used in some special cases. One case is when an Executor receives messages from more than one upstream Executor in the Flow.

Let’s see an example:

from docarray import Document, DocumentArray
from jina import Flow, Executor, requests

class Exec1(Executor):
    def foo(self, docs, **kwargs):
        for doc in docs:
            doc.text = 'Exec1'

class Exec2(Executor):
    def foo(self, docs, **kwargs):
        for doc in docs:
            doc.text = 'Exec2'

class MergeExec(Executor):
    def foo(self, docs_matrix, **kwargs):
        documents_to_return = DocumentArray()
        for doc1, doc2 in zip(*docs_matrix):
                f'MergeExec processing pairs of Documents "{doc1.text}" and "{doc2.text}"'
                Document(text=f'Document merging from "{doc1.text}" and "{doc2.text}"')
        return documents_to_return

f = (
    .add(uses=Exec1, name='exec1')
    .add(uses=Exec2, name='exec2')
    .add(uses=MergeExec, needs=['exec1', 'exec2'], disable_reduce=True)

with f:
    returned_docs = f.post(on='/', inputs=DocumentArray.empty(1))

print(f'Resulting documents {returned_docs[0].text}')
           Flow@1244[I]:🎉 Flow is ready to use!
	🔗 Protocol: 		GRPC
	🏠 Local access:
	🔒 Private network:
	🌐 Public address:
MergeExec processing pairs of Documents "Exec1" and "Exec2"
Resulting documents Document merging from "Exec1" and "Exec2"