Command-Line Interface#

usage: jina [-h] [-v] [-vf]
            {hello, executor, flow, ping ... 8 more choices} ...

Positional Arguments#


Possible choices: hello, executor, flow, ping, new, gateway, hub, help, pod, deployment, client, export-api

Named Arguments#

-v, --version

Show Jina version

-vf, --version-full

Show Jina and all dependencies’ versions



Start hello world demos.

jina hello [-h] {fashion, chatbot, multimodal, fork} ...


use %(prog)-8s [sub-command] –help to get detailed information about each sub-command


Possible choices: fashion, chatbot, multimodal, fork



Run a fashion search demo

jina hello fashion [-h] [--workdir] [--download-proxy] [--index-data-url]
                   [--index-labels-url] [--query-data-url]
                   [--query-labels-url] [--num-query] [--top-k]
General arguments#

The workdir for hello-world demoall data, indices, shards and outputs will be saved there

Default: “45da0161680341ec8b89f910da5c7429”


The proxy when downloading sample data

Index arguments#

The url of index data (should be in idx3-ubyte.gz format)

Default: “


The url of index labels data (should be in idx3-ubyte.gz format)

Default: “


Run a chatbot QA demo

jina hello chatbot [-h] [--workdir] [--download-proxy] [--index-data-url]
                   [--port] [--replicas]
Named Arguments#

The url of index csv data

Default: “


The port of the host exposed to the public

Default: 8080


The number of replicas when index and query

Default: 2

General arguments#

The workdir for hello-world demoall data, indices, shards and outputs will be saved there

Default: “e6fd83c3635244c88ed340ea6eae24c2”


The proxy when downloading sample data


Run a multimodal search demo

jina hello multimodal [-h] [--workdir] [--download-proxy] [--index-data-url]
Named Arguments#

The url of index csv data

Default: “


The port of the host exposed to the public

Default: 8080

General arguments#

The workdir for hello-world demoall data, indices, shards and outputs will be saved there

Default: “3adf5f6d7a4a4a80aba073c8a382d47d”


The proxy when downloading sample data


Fork a hello world project to a local directory.

jina hello fork [-h] {fashion, chatbot, multimodal} destination
Positional Arguments#

Possible choices: fashion, chatbot, multimodal

The hello world project to fork


The dest directory of the forked project. Note, it can not be an existing path.


Start an Executor. Executor is how Jina processes Document.

jina executor [-h] [--name] [--workspace] [--log-config] [--quiet]
              [--quiet-error] [--timeout-ctrl] [--polling] [--uses]
              [--uses-with [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
              [--uses-metas [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
              [--uses-requests [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
              [--py-modules [PATH [PATH ...]]] [--port-in] [--host-in]
              [--native] [--output-array-type] [--entrypoint]
              [--docker-kwargs [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
              [--volumes [DIR [DIR ...]]] [--gpus] [--disable-auto-volume]
              [--host] [--quiet-remote-logs]
              [--upload-files [FILE [FILE ...]]] [--runtime-cls]
              [--timeout-ready] [--env [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
              [--shards] [--replicas] [--port] [--monitoring]
              [--port-monitoring] [--install-requirements] [--force-update]
              [--compression] [--uses-before-address] [--uses-after-address]
              [--connection-list] [--disable-reduce] [--timeout-send]

Essential arguments#


The name of this object.

This will be used in the following places: - how you refer to this object in Python/YAML/CLI - visualization - log message header - …

When not given, then the default naming strategy will apply.


The working directory for any IO operations in this object. If not set, then derive from its parent workspace.


The YAML config of the logger used in this object.

Default: “default”


If set, then no log will be emitted from this object.

Default: False


If set, then exception stack information will not be added to the log

Default: False

Base Deployment arguments#


The timeout in milliseconds of the control request, -1 for waiting forever

Default: 60


The polling strategy of the Deployment and its endpoints (when shards>1). Can be defined for all endpoints of a Deployment or by endpoint. Define per Deployment: - ANY: only one (whoever is idle) Pod polls the message - ALL: all Pods poll the message (like a broadcast) Define per Endpoint: JSON dict, {endpoint: PollingType} {‘/custom’: ‘ALL’, ‘/search’: ‘ANY’, ‘*’: ‘ANY’}

Default: “ANY”

WorkerRuntime arguments#


The config of the executor, it could be one of the followings: * an Executor YAML file (.yml, .yaml, .jaml) * a Jina Hub Executor (must start with jinahub:// or jinahub+docker://) * a docker image (must start with docker://) * the string literal of a YAML config (must start with ! or `jtype: `) * the string literal of a JSON config

When use it under Python, one can use the following values additionally: - a Python dict that represents the config - a text file stream has .read() interface

Default: “BaseExecutor”


Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the with configuration in uses


Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the metas configuration in uses


Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the requests configuration in uses


The customized python modules need to be imported before loading the executor

Note that the recommended way is to only import a single module - a simple python file, if your executor can be defined in a single file, or an file if you have multiple files, which should be structured as a python package. For more details, please see the Executor cookbook


The port for input data to bind to, default a random port between [49152, 65535]

Default: 59842


The host address for binding to, by default it is

Default: “”


If set, only native Executors is allowed, and the Executor is always run inside WorkerRuntime.

Default: False


The type of array tensor and embedding will be serialized to.

Supports the same types as docarray.to_protobuf(.., ndarray_type=…), which can be found here <>. Defaults to retaining whatever type is returned by the Executor.

ContainerRuntime arguments#


The entrypoint command overrides the ENTRYPOINT in Docker image. when not set then the Docker image ENTRYPOINT takes effective.


Dictionary of kwargs arguments that will be passed to Docker SDK when starting the docker ‘ container.

More details can be found in the Docker SDK docs:


The path on the host to be mounted inside the container.

Note, - If separated by :, then the first part will be considered as the local host path and the second part is the path in the container system. - If no split provided, then the basename of that directory will be mounted into container’s root path, e.g. –volumes=”/user/test/my-workspace” will be mounted into /my-workspace inside the container. - All volumes are mounted with read-write mode.


This argument allows dockerized Jina executor discover local gpu devices.

Note, - To access all gpus, use –gpus all. - To access multiple gpus, e.g. make use of 2 gpus, use –gpus 2. - To access specified gpus based on device id, use –gpus device=[YOUR-GPU-DEVICE-ID] - To access specified gpus based on multiple device id, use –gpus device=[YOUR-GPU-DEVICE-ID1],device=[YOUR-GPU-DEVICE-ID2] - To specify more parameters, use `–gpus device=[YOUR-GPU-DEVICE-ID],runtime=nvidia,capabilities=display


Do not automatically mount a volume for dockerized Executors.

Default: False

RemoteRuntime arguments#


The host address of the runtime, by default it is

Default: “”

Distributed arguments#


Do not display the streaming of remote logs on local console

Default: False


The files on the host to be uploaded to the remote workspace. This can be useful when your Deployment has more file dependencies beyond a single YAML file, e.g. Python files, data files.

Note, - currently only flatten structure is supported, which means if you upload [./foo/, ./foo/b.pp, ./bar/c.yml], then they will be put under the _same_ workspace on the remote, losing all hierarchies. - by default, –uses YAML file is always uploaded. - uploaded files are by default isolated across the runs. To ensure files are submitted to the same workspace across different runs, use –workspace-id to specify the workspace.

Pod arguments#


The runtime class to run inside the Pod

Default: “WorkerRuntime”


The timeout in milliseconds of a Pod waits for the runtime to be ready, -1 for waiting forever

Default: 600000


The map of environment variables that are available inside runtime


The number of shards in the deployment running at the same time. For more details check

Default: 1


The number of replicas in the deployment

Default: 1


The port for input data to bind to, default is a random port between [49152, 65535]

Default: 64834


If set, spawn an http server with a prometheus endpoint to expose metrics

Default: False


The port on which the prometheus server is exposed, default port is 9090

Default: 9090

Pull arguments#


If set, install requirements.txt in the Hub Executor bundle to local

Default: False

--force-update, --force

If set, always pull the latest Hub Executor bundle even it exists on local

Default: False

Head arguments#


The compression mechanism used when sending requests from the Head to the WorkerRuntimes. Possibilities are NoCompression, Gzip, Deflate. For more details, check

Default: “NoCompression”


The address of the uses-before runtime


The address of the uses-before runtime


dictionary JSON with a list of connections to configure


Disable the built-in reduce mechanism, set this if the reduction is to be handled by the Executor connected to this Head

Default: False


The timeout in milliseconds used when sending data requests to Executors, -1 means no timeout, disabled by default


Start a Flow. Flow is how Jina streamlines and distributes Executors.

jina flow [-h] [--name] [--workspace] [--log-config] [--quiet] [--quiet-error]
          [--uses] [--env [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
          [--inspect {HANG, REMOVE, COLLECT}]

Essential arguments#


The name of this object.

This will be used in the following places: - how you refer to this object in Python/YAML/CLI - visualization - log message header - …

When not given, then the default naming strategy will apply.


The working directory for any IO operations in this object. If not set, then derive from its parent workspace.


The YAML config of the logger used in this object.

Default: “default”


If set, then no log will be emitted from this object.

Default: False


If set, then exception stack information will not be added to the log

Default: False

Flow Feature arguments#


The YAML file represents a flow


The map of environment variables that are available inside runtime


Possible choices: HANG, REMOVE, COLLECT

The strategy on those inspect deployments in the flow.

If REMOVE is given then all inspect deployments are removed when building the flow.

Default: COLLECT


Ping a Deployment and check its network connectivity.

jina ping [-h] [--timeout] [--retries] host port

Positional Arguments#


The host address of the target Pod, e.g.


The control port of the target deployment/pod

Named Arguments#


Timeout in millisecond of one check -1 for waiting forever

Default: 3000


The max number of tried health checks before exit with exit code 1

Default: 3


Create a new Jina toy project with the predefined template.

jina new [-h] name

Positional Arguments#


The name of the project

Default: “hello-jina”


Start a Gateway that receives client Requests via gRPC/REST interface

jina gateway [-h] [--name] [--workspace] [--log-config] [--quiet]
             [--quiet-error] [--timeout-ctrl] [--polling] [--uses]
             [--uses-with [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
             [--uses-metas [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
             [--uses-requests [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
             [--py-modules [PATH [PATH ...]]] [--port-in] [--host-in]
             [--native] [--output-array-type] [--prefetch] [--title]
             [--description] [--cors] [--default-swagger-ui]
             [--no-debug-endpoints] [--no-crud-endpoints] [--expose-endpoints]
             [--uvicorn-kwargs [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
             [--grpc-server-kwargs [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
             [--ssl-certfile] [--ssl-keyfile] [--expose-graphql-endpoint]
             [--protocol {GRPC, HTTP, WEBSOCKET}] [--host] [--proxy]
             [--port-expose] [--graph-description] [--graph-conditions]
             [--deployments-addresses] [--deployments-disable-reduce]
             [--compression] [--timeout-send] [--runtime-cls]
             [--timeout-ready] [--env [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
             [--shards] [--replicas] [--port] [--monitoring]

Named Arguments#


Possible choices: GRPC, HTTP, WEBSOCKET

Communication protocol between server and client.

Default: GRPC


Routing graph for the gateway

Default: “{}”


Dictionary stating which filtering conditions each Executor in the graph requires to receive Documents.

Default: “{}”


dictionary JSON with the input addresses of each Deployment

Default: “{}”


list JSON disabling the built-in merging mechanism for each Deployment listed

Default: “[]”

Essential arguments#


The name of this object.

This will be used in the following places: - how you refer to this object in Python/YAML/CLI - visualization - log message header - …

When not given, then the default naming strategy will apply.

Default: “gateway”


The working directory for any IO operations in this object. If not set, then derive from its parent workspace.


The YAML config of the logger used in this object.

Default: “default”


If set, then no log will be emitted from this object.

Default: False


If set, then exception stack information will not be added to the log

Default: False

Base Deployment arguments#


The timeout in milliseconds of the control request, -1 for waiting forever

Default: 60


The polling strategy of the Deployment and its endpoints (when shards>1). Can be defined for all endpoints of a Deployment or by endpoint. Define per Deployment: - ANY: only one (whoever is idle) Pod polls the message - ALL: all Pods poll the message (like a broadcast) Define per Endpoint: JSON dict, {endpoint: PollingType} {‘/custom’: ‘ALL’, ‘/search’: ‘ANY’, ‘*’: ‘ANY’}

Default: “ANY”

WorkerRuntime arguments#


The config of the executor, it could be one of the followings: * an Executor YAML file (.yml, .yaml, .jaml) * a Jina Hub Executor (must start with jinahub:// or jinahub+docker://) * a docker image (must start with docker://) * the string literal of a YAML config (must start with ! or `jtype: `) * the string literal of a JSON config

When use it under Python, one can use the following values additionally: - a Python dict that represents the config - a text file stream has .read() interface

Default: “BaseExecutor”


Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the with configuration in uses


Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the metas configuration in uses


Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the requests configuration in uses


The customized python modules need to be imported before loading the executor

Note that the recommended way is to only import a single module - a simple python file, if your executor can be defined in a single file, or an file if you have multiple files, which should be structured as a python package. For more details, please see the Executor cookbook


The port for input data to bind to, default a random port between [49152, 65535]

Default: 57590


The host address for binding to, by default it is

Default: “”


If set, only native Executors is allowed, and the Executor is always run inside WorkerRuntime.

Default: False


The type of array tensor and embedding will be serialized to.

Supports the same types as docarray.to_protobuf(.., ndarray_type=…), which can be found here <>. Defaults to retaining whatever type is returned by the Executor.

Prefetch arguments#


Number of requests fetched from the client before feeding into the first Executor.

Used to control the speed of data input into a Flow. 0 disables prefetch (disabled by default)

Default: 0

HTTP Gateway arguments#


The title of this HTTP server. It will be used in automatics docs such as Swagger UI.


The description of this HTTP server. It will be used in automatics docs such as Swagger UI.


If set, a CORS middleware is added to FastAPI frontend to allow cross-origin access.

Default: False


If set, the default swagger ui is used for /docs endpoint.

Default: False


If set, /status /post endpoints are removed from HTTP interface.

Default: False


If set, /index, /search, /update, /delete endpoints are removed from HTTP interface.

Any executor that has @requests(on=…) bind with those values will receive data requests.

Default: False


A JSON string that represents a map from executor endpoints (@requests(on=…)) to HTTP endpoints.


Dictionary of kwargs arguments that will be passed to Uvicorn server when starting the server

More details can be found in Uvicorn docs:


Dictionary of kwargs arguments that will be passed to the grpc server when starting the server # todo update


the path to the certificate file


the path to the key file

GraphQL arguments#


If set, /graphql endpoint is added to HTTP interface.

Default: False

Gateway arguments#


The host address of the runtime, by default it is

Default: “”


If set, respect the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. otherwise, it will unset these proxy variables before start. gRPC seems to prefer no proxy

Default: False


The port that the gateway exposes for clients for GRPC connections.

Default: 58925


The compression mechanism used when sending requests to Executors. Possibilites are: NoCompression, Gzip, Deflate. For more details, check

Default: “NoCompression”


The timeout in milliseconds used when sending data requests to Executors, -1 means no timeout, disabled by default

Pod arguments#


The runtime class to run inside the Pod

Default: “GRPCGatewayRuntime”


The timeout in milliseconds of a Pod waits for the runtime to be ready, -1 for waiting forever

Default: 600000


The map of environment variables that are available inside runtime


The number of shards in the deployment running at the same time. For more details check

Default: 1


The number of replicas in the deployment

Default: 1


The port for input data to bind to, default is a random port between [49152, 65535]

Default: 64176


If set, spawn an http server with a prometheus endpoint to expose metrics

Default: False


The port on which the prometheus server is exposed, default port is 9090

Default: 9090


Push/Pull an Executor to/from Jina Hub

jina hub [-h] {new, push, pull} ...


use %(prog)-8s [sub-command] –help to get detailed information about each sub-command


Possible choices: new, push, pull



Create a new executor using the template

jina hub new [-h] [--name] [--path] [--advance-configuration] [--description]
             [--keywords] [--url] [--add-dockerfile]
Create Executor arguments#

the name of the Executor


the path to store the Executor


If set, always set up advance configuration like description, keywords and url

Default: False


the short description of the Executor


some keywords to help people search your Executor (separated by comma)


the URL of your GitHub repo


If set, add a Dockerfile to the created Executor bundle

Default: False


Push an executor package to Jina hub

jina hub push [-h] [--no-usage] [--verbose] [-f DOCKERFILE] [-t]
              [--protected-tag] [--force-update] [--secret] [--no-cache]
              [--public | --private]
Named Arguments#

If set, Hub executor usage will not be printed.

Default: False


If set, more information will be printed.

Default: False

Push arguments#

The Executor folder to be pushed to Jina Hub

-f, --dockerfile

The file path to the Dockerfile (default is ${cwd}/Dockerfile)

-t, --tag

A list of tags. One can use it to distinguish architecture (e.g. cpu, gpu) or versions (e.g. v1, v2).

One can later fetch a tagged Executor via jinahub[+docker]://MyExecutor/gpu


A list of protected tags. Like tag but protected against updates after first push.

--force-update, --force

If set, push will overwrite the Executor on the Hub that shares the same NAME or UUID8 identifier


The secret for overwrite a Hub executor


If set, “–no-cache” option will be added to the Docker build.

Default: False

Visibility arguments#

If set, the pushed executor is visible to public


If set, the pushed executor is invisible to public


Download an executor image/package from Jina hub

jina hub pull [-h] [--no-usage] [--install-requirements] [--force-update] uri
Positional Arguments#

The URI of the executor to pull (e.g., jinahub[+docker]://NAME)

Named Arguments#

If set, Hub executor usage will not be printed.

Default: False

Pull arguments#

If set, install requirements.txt in the Hub Executor bundle to local

Default: False

--force-update, --force

If set, always pull the latest Hub Executor bundle even it exists on local

Default: False


Show help text of a CLI argument

jina help [-h] query

Positional Arguments#


Lookup the usage & mention of the argument name in Jina API. The name can be fuzzy


Start a Pod. You should rarely use this directly unless you are doing low-level orchestration

jina pod [-h] [--name] [--workspace] [--log-config] [--quiet] [--quiet-error]
         [--timeout-ctrl] [--polling] [--uses]
         [--uses-with [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
         [--uses-metas [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
         [--uses-requests [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
         [--py-modules [PATH [PATH ...]]] [--port-in] [--host-in] [--native]
         [--output-array-type] [--entrypoint]
         [--docker-kwargs [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
         [--volumes [DIR [DIR ...]]] [--gpus] [--disable-auto-volume] [--host]
         [--quiet-remote-logs] [--upload-files [FILE [FILE ...]]]
         [--runtime-cls] [--timeout-ready]
         [--env [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]] [--shards] [--replicas]
         [--port] [--monitoring] [--port-monitoring] [--install-requirements]
         [--force-update] [--compression] [--uses-before-address]
         [--uses-after-address] [--connection-list] [--disable-reduce]

Essential arguments#


The name of this object.

This will be used in the following places: - how you refer to this object in Python/YAML/CLI - visualization - log message header - …

When not given, then the default naming strategy will apply.


The working directory for any IO operations in this object. If not set, then derive from its parent workspace.


The YAML config of the logger used in this object.

Default: “default”


If set, then no log will be emitted from this object.

Default: False


If set, then exception stack information will not be added to the log

Default: False

Base Deployment arguments#


The timeout in milliseconds of the control request, -1 for waiting forever

Default: 60


The polling strategy of the Deployment and its endpoints (when shards>1). Can be defined for all endpoints of a Deployment or by endpoint. Define per Deployment: - ANY: only one (whoever is idle) Pod polls the message - ALL: all Pods poll the message (like a broadcast) Define per Endpoint: JSON dict, {endpoint: PollingType} {‘/custom’: ‘ALL’, ‘/search’: ‘ANY’, ‘*’: ‘ANY’}

Default: “ANY”

WorkerRuntime arguments#


The config of the executor, it could be one of the followings: * an Executor YAML file (.yml, .yaml, .jaml) * a Jina Hub Executor (must start with jinahub:// or jinahub+docker://) * a docker image (must start with docker://) * the string literal of a YAML config (must start with ! or `jtype: `) * the string literal of a JSON config

When use it under Python, one can use the following values additionally: - a Python dict that represents the config - a text file stream has .read() interface

Default: “BaseExecutor”


Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the with configuration in uses


Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the metas configuration in uses


Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the requests configuration in uses


The customized python modules need to be imported before loading the executor

Note that the recommended way is to only import a single module - a simple python file, if your executor can be defined in a single file, or an file if you have multiple files, which should be structured as a python package. For more details, please see the Executor cookbook


The port for input data to bind to, default a random port between [49152, 65535]

Default: 57180


The host address for binding to, by default it is

Default: “”


If set, only native Executors is allowed, and the Executor is always run inside WorkerRuntime.

Default: False


The type of array tensor and embedding will be serialized to.

Supports the same types as docarray.to_protobuf(.., ndarray_type=…), which can be found here <>. Defaults to retaining whatever type is returned by the Executor.

ContainerRuntime arguments#


The entrypoint command overrides the ENTRYPOINT in Docker image. when not set then the Docker image ENTRYPOINT takes effective.


Dictionary of kwargs arguments that will be passed to Docker SDK when starting the docker ‘ container.

More details can be found in the Docker SDK docs:


The path on the host to be mounted inside the container.

Note, - If separated by :, then the first part will be considered as the local host path and the second part is the path in the container system. - If no split provided, then the basename of that directory will be mounted into container’s root path, e.g. –volumes=”/user/test/my-workspace” will be mounted into /my-workspace inside the container. - All volumes are mounted with read-write mode.


This argument allows dockerized Jina executor discover local gpu devices.

Note, - To access all gpus, use –gpus all. - To access multiple gpus, e.g. make use of 2 gpus, use –gpus 2. - To access specified gpus based on device id, use –gpus device=[YOUR-GPU-DEVICE-ID] - To access specified gpus based on multiple device id, use –gpus device=[YOUR-GPU-DEVICE-ID1],device=[YOUR-GPU-DEVICE-ID2] - To specify more parameters, use `–gpus device=[YOUR-GPU-DEVICE-ID],runtime=nvidia,capabilities=display


Do not automatically mount a volume for dockerized Executors.

Default: False

RemoteRuntime arguments#


The host address of the runtime, by default it is

Default: “”

Distributed arguments#


Do not display the streaming of remote logs on local console

Default: False


The files on the host to be uploaded to the remote workspace. This can be useful when your Deployment has more file dependencies beyond a single YAML file, e.g. Python files, data files.

Note, - currently only flatten structure is supported, which means if you upload [./foo/, ./foo/b.pp, ./bar/c.yml], then they will be put under the _same_ workspace on the remote, losing all hierarchies. - by default, –uses YAML file is always uploaded. - uploaded files are by default isolated across the runs. To ensure files are submitted to the same workspace across different runs, use –workspace-id to specify the workspace.

Pod arguments#


The runtime class to run inside the Pod

Default: “WorkerRuntime”


The timeout in milliseconds of a Pod waits for the runtime to be ready, -1 for waiting forever

Default: 600000


The map of environment variables that are available inside runtime


The number of shards in the deployment running at the same time. For more details check

Default: 1


The number of replicas in the deployment

Default: 1


The port for input data to bind to, default is a random port between [49152, 65535]

Default: 63562


If set, spawn an http server with a prometheus endpoint to expose metrics

Default: False


The port on which the prometheus server is exposed, default port is 9090

Default: 9090

Pull arguments#


If set, install requirements.txt in the Hub Executor bundle to local

Default: False

--force-update, --force

If set, always pull the latest Hub Executor bundle even it exists on local

Default: False

Head arguments#


The compression mechanism used when sending requests from the Head to the WorkerRuntimes. Possibilities are NoCompression, Gzip, Deflate. For more details, check

Default: “NoCompression”


The address of the uses-before runtime


The address of the uses-before runtime


dictionary JSON with a list of connections to configure


Disable the built-in reduce mechanism, set this if the reduction is to be handled by the Executor connected to this Head

Default: False


The timeout in milliseconds used when sending data requests to Executors, -1 means no timeout, disabled by default


Start a Deployment. You should rarely use this directly unless you are doing low-level orchestration

jina deployment [-h] [--name] [--workspace] [--log-config] [--quiet]
                [--quiet-error] [--timeout-ctrl] [--polling] [--uses]
                [--uses-with [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
                [--uses-metas [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
                [--uses-requests [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
                [--py-modules [PATH [PATH ...]]] [--port-in] [--host-in]
                [--native] [--output-array-type] [--entrypoint]
                [--docker-kwargs [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
                [--volumes [DIR [DIR ...]]] [--gpus] [--disable-auto-volume]
                [--host] [--quiet-remote-logs]
                [--upload-files [FILE [FILE ...]]] [--runtime-cls]
                [--timeout-ready] [--env [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]]
                [--shards] [--replicas] [--port] [--monitoring]
                [--port-monitoring] [--install-requirements] [--force-update]
                [--compression] [--uses-before-address] [--uses-after-address]
                [--connection-list] [--disable-reduce] [--timeout-send]
                [--uses-before] [--uses-after]
                [--when [KEY: VALUE [KEY: VALUE ...]]] [--external]

Essential arguments#


The name of this object.

This will be used in the following places: - how you refer to this object in Python/YAML/CLI - visualization - log message header - …

When not given, then the default naming strategy will apply.


The working directory for any IO operations in this object. If not set, then derive from its parent workspace.


The YAML config of the logger used in this object.

Default: “default”


If set, then no log will be emitted from this object.

Default: False


If set, then exception stack information will not be added to the log

Default: False

Base Deployment arguments#


The timeout in milliseconds of the control request, -1 for waiting forever

Default: 60


The polling strategy of the Deployment and its endpoints (when shards>1). Can be defined for all endpoints of a Deployment or by endpoint. Define per Deployment: - ANY: only one (whoever is idle) Pod polls the message - ALL: all Pods poll the message (like a broadcast) Define per Endpoint: JSON dict, {endpoint: PollingType} {‘/custom’: ‘ALL’, ‘/search’: ‘ANY’, ‘*’: ‘ANY’}

Default: “ANY”

WorkerRuntime arguments#


The config of the executor, it could be one of the followings: * an Executor YAML file (.yml, .yaml, .jaml) * a Jina Hub Executor (must start with jinahub:// or jinahub+docker://) * a docker image (must start with docker://) * the string literal of a YAML config (must start with ! or `jtype: `) * the string literal of a JSON config

When use it under Python, one can use the following values additionally: - a Python dict that represents the config - a text file stream has .read() interface

Default: “BaseExecutor”


Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the with configuration in uses


Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the metas configuration in uses


Dictionary of keyword arguments that will override the requests configuration in uses


The customized python modules need to be imported before loading the executor

Note that the recommended way is to only import a single module - a simple python file, if your executor can be defined in a single file, or an file if you have multiple files, which should be structured as a python package. For more details, please see the Executor cookbook


The port for input data to bind to, default a random port between [49152, 65535]

Default: 51711


The host address for binding to, by default it is

Default: “”


If set, only native Executors is allowed, and the Executor is always run inside WorkerRuntime.

Default: False


The type of array tensor and embedding will be serialized to.

Supports the same types as docarray.to_protobuf(.., ndarray_type=…), which can be found here <>. Defaults to retaining whatever type is returned by the Executor.

ContainerRuntime arguments#


The entrypoint command overrides the ENTRYPOINT in Docker image. when not set then the Docker image ENTRYPOINT takes effective.


Dictionary of kwargs arguments that will be passed to Docker SDK when starting the docker ‘ container.

More details can be found in the Docker SDK docs:


The path on the host to be mounted inside the container.

Note, - If separated by :, then the first part will be considered as the local host path and the second part is the path in the container system. - If no split provided, then the basename of that directory will be mounted into container’s root path, e.g. –volumes=”/user/test/my-workspace” will be mounted into /my-workspace inside the container. - All volumes are mounted with read-write mode.


This argument allows dockerized Jina executor discover local gpu devices.

Note, - To access all gpus, use –gpus all. - To access multiple gpus, e.g. make use of 2 gpus, use –gpus 2. - To access specified gpus based on device id, use –gpus device=[YOUR-GPU-DEVICE-ID] - To access specified gpus based on multiple device id, use –gpus device=[YOUR-GPU-DEVICE-ID1],device=[YOUR-GPU-DEVICE-ID2] - To specify more parameters, use `–gpus device=[YOUR-GPU-DEVICE-ID],runtime=nvidia,capabilities=display


Do not automatically mount a volume for dockerized Executors.

Default: False

RemoteRuntime arguments#


The host address of the runtime, by default it is

Default: “”

Distributed arguments#


Do not display the streaming of remote logs on local console

Default: False


The files on the host to be uploaded to the remote workspace. This can be useful when your Deployment has more file dependencies beyond a single YAML file, e.g. Python files, data files.

Note, - currently only flatten structure is supported, which means if you upload [./foo/, ./foo/b.pp, ./bar/c.yml], then they will be put under the _same_ workspace on the remote, losing all hierarchies. - by default, –uses YAML file is always uploaded. - uploaded files are by default isolated across the runs. To ensure files are submitted to the same workspace across different runs, use –workspace-id to specify the workspace.

Pod arguments#


The runtime class to run inside the Pod

Default: “WorkerRuntime”


The timeout in milliseconds of a Pod waits for the runtime to be ready, -1 for waiting forever

Default: 600000


The map of environment variables that are available inside runtime


The number of shards in the deployment running at the same time. For more details check

Default: 1


The number of replicas in the deployment

Default: 1


The port for input data to bind to, default is a random port between [49152, 65535]

Default: 54038


If set, spawn an http server with a prometheus endpoint to expose metrics

Default: False


The port on which the prometheus server is exposed, default port is 9090

Default: 9090

Pull arguments#


If set, install requirements.txt in the Hub Executor bundle to local

Default: False

--force-update, --force

If set, always pull the latest Hub Executor bundle even it exists on local

Default: False

Head arguments#


The compression mechanism used when sending requests from the Head to the WorkerRuntimes. Possibilities are NoCompression, Gzip, Deflate. For more details, check

Default: “NoCompression”


The address of the uses-before runtime


The address of the uses-before runtime


dictionary JSON with a list of connections to configure


Disable the built-in reduce mechanism, set this if the reduction is to be handled by the Executor connected to this Head

Default: False


The timeout in milliseconds used when sending data requests to Executors, -1 means no timeout, disabled by default

Deployment arguments#


The executor attached before the Pods described by –uses, typically before sending to all shards, accepted type follows –uses. This argument only applies for sharded Deployments (shards > 1).


The executor attached after the Pods described by –uses, typically used for receiving from all shards, accepted type follows –uses. This argument only applies for sharded Deployments (shards > 1).


The condition that the documents need to fulfill before reaching the Executor.The condition can be defined in the form of a DocArray query condition <>


The Deployment will be considered an external Deployment that has been started independently from the Flow.This Deployment will not be context managed by the Flow.

Default: False


Start a Python client that connects to a remote Jina gateway

jina client [-h] [--host] [--proxy] [--port] [--tls] [--asyncio]
            [--return-responses] [--protocol {GRPC, HTTP, WEBSOCKET}]

Named Arguments#


If set, then the input and output of this Client work in an asynchronous manner.

Default: False


If set, return results as List of Requests instead of a reduced DocArray.

Default: False


Possible choices: GRPC, HTTP, WEBSOCKET

Communication protocol between server and client.

Default: GRPC

ClientGateway arguments#


The host address of the runtime, by default it is

Default: “”


If set, respect the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables. otherwise, it will unset these proxy variables before start. gRPC seems to prefer no proxy

Default: False


The port of the Gateway, which the client should connect to.

Default: 50173


If set, connect to gateway using tls encryption

Default: False


Export Jina API to JSON/YAML file for 3rd party applications

jina export-api [-h] [--yaml-path [PATH [PATH ...]]]
                [--json-path [PATH [PATH ...]]]
                [--schema-path [PATH [PATH ...]]]

Named Arguments#


The YAML file path for storing the exported API


The JSON file path for storing the exported API


The JSONSchema file path for storing the exported API