Source code for jina.orchestrate.deployments

import copy
from abc import abstractmethod
from argparse import Namespace
from contextlib import ExitStack
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union

from jina import __default_executor__, __default_host__, __docker_host__, helper
from jina.enums import DeploymentRoleType, PodRoleType, PollingType
from jina.helper import CatchAllCleanupContextManager
from jina.hubble.hubio import HubIO
from jina.jaml.helper import complete_path
from jina.orchestrate.pods.container import ContainerPod
from jina.orchestrate.pods.factory import PodFactory
from jina.serve.networking import GrpcConnectionPool, host_is_local, in_docker

[docs]class BaseDeployment(ExitStack): """A BaseDeployment is an immutable set of pods. Internally, the pods can run with the process/thread backend. They can be also run in their own containers on remote machines. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def start(self) -> 'BaseDeployment': """Start to run all :class:`Pod` in this BaseDeployment. .. note:: If one of the :class:`Pod` fails to start, make sure that all of them are properly closed. """ ...
@staticmethod def _set_upload_files(args): # sets args.upload_files at the deployment level so that pods inherit from it. # all pods work under one remote workspace, hence important to have upload_files set for all def valid_path(path): try: complete_path(path) return True except FileNotFoundError: return False _upload_files = set() for param in ['uses', 'uses_before', 'uses_after']: param_value = getattr(args, param, None) if param_value and valid_path(param_value): _upload_files.add(param_value) if getattr(args, 'py_modules', None): _upload_files.update( {py_module for py_module in args.py_modules if valid_path(py_module)} ) if getattr(args, 'upload_files', None): _upload_files.update( { upload_file for upload_file in args.upload_files if valid_path(upload_file) } ) return list(_upload_files) @property def role(self) -> 'DeploymentRoleType': """Return the role of this :class:`BaseDeployment`. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return self.args.deployment_role @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of this :class:`BaseDeployment`. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return @property def head_host(self) -> str: """Get the host of the HeadPod of this deployment .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return if self.head_args else None @property def head_port(self): """Get the port of the HeadPod of this deployment .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return self.head_args.port if self.head_args else None def __enter__(self) -> 'BaseDeployment': with CatchAllCleanupContextManager(self): return self.start() @staticmethod def _copy_to_head_args(args: Namespace) -> Namespace: """ Set the outgoing args of the head router :param args: basic arguments :return: enriched head arguments """ _head_args = copy.deepcopy(args) _head_args.polling = args.polling if not hasattr(args, 'port') or not args.port: _head_args.port = helper.random_port() else: _head_args.port = args.port _head_args.uses = args.uses _head_args.pod_role = PodRoleType.HEAD _head_args.runtime_cls = 'HeadRuntime' _head_args.replicas = 1 if = f'{}/head' else: = f'head' return _head_args @property @abstractmethod def head_args(self) -> Namespace: """Get the arguments for the `head` of this BaseDeployment. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def join(self): """Wait until all deployment and pods exit.""" ...
@property @abstractmethod def _mermaid_str(self) -> List[str]: """String that will be used to represent the Deployment graphically when `Flow.plot()` is invoked .. # noqa: DAR201 """ ... @property def deployments(self) -> List[Dict]: """Get deployments of the deployment. The BaseDeployment just gives one deployment. :return: list of deployments """ return [ { 'name':, 'head_host': self.head_host, 'head_port': self.head_port, } ]
[docs]class Deployment(BaseDeployment): """A Deployment is an immutable set of pods, which run in replicas. They share the same input and output socket. Internally, the pods can run with the process/thread backend. They can be also run in their own containers :param args: arguments parsed from the CLI :param needs: deployments names of preceding deployments, the output of these deployments are going into the input of this deployment """ class _ReplicaSet: def __init__( self, deployment_args: Namespace, args: List[Namespace], head_pod, ): self.deployment_args = copy.copy(deployment_args) self.args = args self.shard_id = args[0].shard_id self._pods = [] self.head_pod = head_pod @property def is_ready(self): return all(p.is_ready.is_set() for p in self._pods) def clear_pods(self): self._pods.clear() @property def num_pods(self): return len(self._pods) def join(self): for pod in self._pods: pod.join() def wait_start_success(self): for pod in self._pods: pod.wait_start_success() def __enter__(self): for _args in self.args: if getattr(self.deployment_args, 'noblock_on_start', False): _args.noblock_on_start = True self._pods.append(PodFactory.build_pod(_args).start()) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): closing_exception = None for pod in self._pods: try: pod.close() except Exception as exc: if closing_exception is None: closing_exception = exc if exc_val is None and closing_exception is not None: raise closing_exception def __init__( self, args: Union['Namespace', Dict], needs: Optional[Set[str]] = None ): super().__init__() args.upload_files = BaseDeployment._set_upload_files(args) self.args = args self.args.polling = ( args.polling if hasattr(args, 'polling') else PollingType.ANY ) # polling only works for shards, if there are none, polling will be ignored if getattr(args, 'shards', 1) == 1: self.args.polling = PollingType.ANY self.needs = ( needs or set() ) #: used in the :class:`jina.flow.Flow` to build the graph self.uses_before_pod = None self.uses_after_pod = None self.head_pod = None self.shards = {} self.update_pod_args() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) self.join()
[docs] def update_pod_args(self): """Update args of all its pods based on Deployment args. Including head/tail""" if isinstance(self.args, Dict): # This is used when a Deployment is created in a remote context, where pods & their connections are already given. self.pod_args = self.args else: self.pod_args = self._parse_args(self.args) if self.is_sandbox: host, port = HubIO.deploy_public_sandbox(self.args) = host self.first_pod_args.port = port if self.head_args: self.pod_args['head'].host = host self.pod_args['head'].port = port
[docs] def update_worker_pod_args(self): """Update args of all its worker pods based on Deployment args. Does not touch head and tail""" self.pod_args['pods'] = self._set_pod_args(self.args)
@property def is_sandbox(self) -> bool: """ Check if this deployment is a sandbox. :return: True if this deployment is provided as a sandbox, False otherwise """ uses = getattr(self.args, 'uses', '') is_sandbox = uses.startswith('jinahub+sandbox://') return is_sandbox @property def tls_enabled(self): """ Checks whether secure connection via tls is enabled for this Deployment. :return: True if tls is enabled, False otherwise """ has_cert = getattr(self.args, 'ssl_certfile', None) is not None has_key = getattr(self.args, 'ssl_keyfile', None) is not None return self.is_sandbox or (has_cert and has_key) @property def external(self) -> bool: """ Check if this deployment is external. :return: True if this deployment is provided as an external deployment, False otherwise """ return getattr(self.args, 'external', False) or self.is_sandbox @property def protocol(self): """ :return: the protocol of this deployment """ protocol = getattr(self.args, 'protocol', 'grpc') return str(protocol) + ('s' if self.tls_enabled else '') @property def first_pod_args(self) -> Namespace: """Return the first worker pod's args .. # noqa: DAR201 """ # note this will be never out of boundary return self.pod_args['pods'][0][0] @property def host(self) -> str: """Get the host name of this deployment .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return @property def port(self): """ :return: the port of this deployment """ return self.first_pod_args.port @property def ports(self) -> List[int]: """Returns a list of ports exposed by this Deployment. Exposed means these are the ports a Client/Gateway is supposed to communicate with. For sharded deployments this will be the head_port. For non sharded deployments it will be all replica ports .. # noqa: DAR201 """ if self.head_port: return [self.head_port] else: ports = [] for replica in self.pod_args['pods'][0]: ports.append(replica.port) return ports @property def dockerized_uses(self) -> bool: """Checks if this Deployment uses a dockerized Executor .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return self.args.uses.startswith('docker://') or self.args.uses.startswith( 'jinahub+docker://' ) def _parse_args( self, args: Namespace ) -> Dict[str, Optional[Union[List[Namespace], Namespace]]]: return self._parse_base_deployment_args(args) @property def head_args(self) -> Namespace: """Get the arguments for the `head` of this Deployment. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return self.pod_args['head'] @head_args.setter def head_args(self, args): """Set the arguments for the `head` of this Deployment. .. # noqa: DAR101 """ self.pod_args['head'] = args @property def uses_before_args(self) -> Namespace: """Get the arguments for the `uses_before` of this Deployment. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return self.pod_args['uses_before'] @uses_before_args.setter def uses_before_args(self, args): """Set the arguments for the `uses_before` of this Deployment. .. # noqa: DAR101 """ self.pod_args['uses_before'] = args @property def uses_after_args(self) -> Namespace: """Get the arguments for the `uses_after` of this Deployment. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ return self.pod_args['uses_after'] @uses_after_args.setter def uses_after_args(self, args): """Set the arguments for the `uses_after` of this Deployment. .. # noqa: DAR101 """ self.pod_args['uses_after'] = args @property def all_args(self) -> List[Namespace]: """Get all arguments of all Pods in this BaseDeployment. .. # noqa: DAR201 """ all_args = ( ([self.pod_args['uses_before']] if self.pod_args['uses_before'] else []) + ([self.pod_args['uses_after']] if self.pod_args['uses_after'] else []) + ([self.pod_args['head']] if self.pod_args['head'] else []) ) for shard_id in self.pod_args['pods']: all_args += self.pod_args['pods'][shard_id] return all_args @property def num_pods(self) -> int: """Get the number of running :class:`Pod` .. # noqa: DAR201 """ num_pods = 0 if self.head_pod is not None: num_pods += 1 if self.uses_before_pod is not None: num_pods += 1 if self.uses_after_pod is not None: num_pods += 1 if self.shards: # external deployments for shard_id in self.shards: num_pods += self.shards[shard_id].num_pods return num_pods def __eq__(self, other: 'BaseDeployment'): return self.num_pods == other.num_pods and ==
[docs] def activate(self): """ Activate all worker pods in this deployment by registering them with the head """ if self.head_pod is not None: for shard_id in self.pod_args['pods']: for pod_idx, pod_args in enumerate(self.pod_args['pods'][shard_id]): worker_host = self.get_worker_host( pod_args, self.shards[shard_id]._pods[pod_idx], self.head_pod ) GrpcConnectionPool.activate_worker_sync( worker_host, int(pod_args.port), self.head_pod.runtime_ctrl_address, shard_id, )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_worker_host(pod_args, pod, head_pod): """ Check if the current pod and head are both containerized on the same host If so __docker_host__ needs to be advertised as the worker's address to the head :param pod_args: arguments of the worker pod :param pod: the worker pod :param head_pod: head pod communicating with the worker pod :return: host to use in activate messages """ # Check if the current pod and head are both containerized on the same host # If so __docker_host__ needs to be advertised as the worker's address to the head worker_host = ( __docker_host__ if Deployment._is_container_to_container(pod, head_pod) and host_is_local( else ) return worker_host
@staticmethod def _is_container_to_container(pod, head_pod): # Check if both shard_id/pod_idx and the head are containerized # if the head is not containerized, it still could mean that the deployment itself is containerized return type(pod) == ContainerPod and ( type(head_pod) == ContainerPod or in_docker() )
[docs] def start(self) -> 'Deployment': """ Start to run all :class:`Pod` in this BaseDeployment. :return: started deployment .. note:: If one of the :class:`Pod` fails to start, make sure that all of them are properly closed. """ if self.pod_args['uses_before'] is not None: _args = self.pod_args['uses_before'] if getattr(self.args, 'noblock_on_start', False): _args.noblock_on_start = True self.uses_before_pod = PodFactory.build_pod(_args) self.enter_context(self.uses_before_pod) if self.pod_args['uses_after'] is not None: _args = self.pod_args['uses_after'] if getattr(self.args, 'noblock_on_start', False): _args.noblock_on_start = True self.uses_after_pod = PodFactory.build_pod(_args) self.enter_context(self.uses_after_pod) if self.pod_args['head'] is not None: _args = self.pod_args['head'] if getattr(self.args, 'noblock_on_start', False): _args.noblock_on_start = True self.head_pod = PodFactory.build_pod(_args) self.enter_context(self.head_pod) for shard_id in self.pod_args['pods']: self.shards[shard_id] = self._ReplicaSet( self.args, self.pod_args['pods'][shard_id], self.head_pod, ) self.enter_context(self.shards[shard_id]) if not getattr(self.args, 'noblock_on_start', False): self.activate() return self
[docs] def wait_start_success(self) -> None: """Block until all pods starts successfully. If not successful, it will raise an error hoping the outer function to catch it """ if not self.args.noblock_on_start: raise ValueError( f'{self.wait_start_success!r} should only be called when `noblock_on_start` is set to True' ) try: if self.uses_before_pod is not None: self.uses_before_pod.wait_start_success() if self.uses_after_pod is not None: self.uses_after_pod.wait_start_success() if self.head_pod is not None: self.head_pod.wait_start_success() for shard_id in self.shards: self.shards[shard_id].wait_start_success() self.activate() except: self.close() raise
[docs] def join(self): """Wait until all pods exit""" try: if self.uses_before_pod is not None: self.uses_before_pod.join() if self.uses_after_pod is not None: self.uses_after_pod.join() if self.head_pod is not None: self.head_pod.join() if self.shards: for shard_id in self.shards: self.shards[shard_id].join() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: self.head_pod = None if self.shards: for shard_id in self.shards: self.shards[shard_id].clear_pods()
@property def is_ready(self) -> bool: """Checks if Deployment is ready .. note:: A Deployment is ready when all the Pods it contains are ready .. # noqa: DAR201 """ is_ready = True if self.head_pod is not None: is_ready = self.head_pod.is_ready.is_set() if is_ready: for shard_id in self.shards: is_ready = self.shards[shard_id].is_ready if is_ready and self.uses_before_pod is not None: is_ready = self.uses_before_pod.is_ready.is_set() if is_ready and self.uses_after_pod is not None: is_ready = self.uses_after_pod.is_ready.is_set() return is_ready @staticmethod def _set_pod_args(args: Namespace) -> Dict[int, List[Namespace]]: result = {} sharding_enabled = args.shards and args.shards > 1 for shard_id in range(args.shards): replica_args = [] for replica_id in range(args.replicas): _args = copy.deepcopy(args) _args.shard_id = shard_id _args.pod_role = PodRoleType.WORKER = if += ( f'/shard-{shard_id}/rep-{replica_id}' if sharding_enabled else f'/rep-{replica_id}' ) else: = f'{replica_id}' # the gateway needs to respect the assigned port if args.deployment_role == DeploymentRoleType.GATEWAY or args.external: _args.port = args.port elif args.shards == 1 and args.replicas == 1: # if there are no shards/replicas, we dont need to distribute ports randomly # we should rather use the pre assigned one args.port = args.port else: _args.port = helper.random_port() _args.port_monitoring = helper.random_port() # pod workspace if not set then derive from workspace if not _args.workspace: _args.workspace = args.workspace replica_args.append(_args) result[shard_id] = replica_args return result @staticmethod def _set_uses_before_after_args(args: Namespace, entity_type: str) -> Namespace: _args = copy.deepcopy(args) _args.pod_role = PodRoleType.WORKER = __default_host__ _args.port = helper.random_port() if += f'/{entity_type}-0' else: = f'{entity_type}-0' if 'uses_before' == entity_type: _args.uses_requests = None _args.uses = args.uses_before or __default_executor__ elif 'uses_after' == entity_type: _args.uses_requests = None _args.uses = args.uses_after or __default_executor__ else: raise ValueError( f'uses_before/uses_after pod does not support type {entity_type}' ) # pod workspace if not set then derive from workspace if not _args.workspace: _args.workspace = args.workspace return _args def _parse_base_deployment_args(self, args): parsed_args = { 'head': None, 'uses_before': None, 'uses_after': None, 'pods': {}, } # a gateway has no heads and uses # also there a no heads created, if there are no shards if self.role != DeploymentRoleType.GATEWAY and getattr(args, 'shards', 1) > 1: if ( getattr(args, 'uses_before', None) and args.uses_before != __default_executor__ ): uses_before_args = self._set_uses_before_after_args( args, entity_type='uses_before' ) parsed_args['uses_before'] = uses_before_args args.uses_before_address = ( f'{}:{uses_before_args.port}' ) if ( getattr(args, 'uses_after', None) and args.uses_after != __default_executor__ ): uses_after_args = self._set_uses_before_after_args( args, entity_type='uses_after' ) parsed_args['uses_after'] = uses_after_args args.uses_after_address = ( f'{}:{uses_after_args.port}' ) parsed_args['head'] = BaseDeployment._copy_to_head_args(args) parsed_args['pods'] = self._set_pod_args(args) return parsed_args @property def _mermaid_str(self) -> List[str]: """String that will be used to represent the Deployment graphically when `Flow.plot()` is invoked. It does not include used_before/uses_after .. # noqa: DAR201 """ mermaid_graph = [] if self.role != DeploymentRoleType.GATEWAY and not self.external: mermaid_graph = [f'subgraph {};', f'\ndirection LR;\n'] uses_before_name = ( if self.uses_before_args is not None else None ) uses_before_uses = ( self.uses_before_args.uses if self.uses_before_args is not None else None ) uses_after_name = ( if self.uses_after_args is not None else None ) uses_after_uses = ( self.uses_after_args.uses if self.uses_after_args is not None else None ) shard_names = [] if len(self.pod_args['pods']) > 1: # multiple shards for shard_id, pod_args in self.pod_args['pods'].items(): shard_name = f'{}/shard-{shard_id}' shard_names.append(shard_name) shard_mermaid_graph = [ f'subgraph {shard_name};', f'\ndirection TB;\n', ] names = [ for args in pod_args ] # all the names of each of the replicas uses = [ args.uses for args in pod_args ] # all the uses should be the same but let's keep it this # way for rep_i, (name, use) in enumerate(zip(names, uses)): escaped_uses = f'"{use}"' shard_mermaid_graph.append(f'{name}[{escaped_uses}]:::pod;') shard_mermaid_graph.append('end;') shard_mermaid_graph = [ node.replace(';', '\n') for node in shard_mermaid_graph ] mermaid_graph.extend(shard_mermaid_graph) mermaid_graph.append('\n') if uses_before_name is not None: for shard_name in shard_names: escaped_uses_before_uses = f'"{uses_before_uses}"' mermaid_graph.append( f'{}-head[{escaped_uses_before_uses}]:::HEADTAIL --> {shard_name};' ) if uses_after_name is not None: for shard_name in shard_names: escaped_uses_after_uses = f'"{uses_after_uses}"' mermaid_graph.append( f'{shard_name} --> {}-tail[{escaped_uses_after_uses}]:::HEADTAIL;' ) else: # single shard case, no uses_before or uses_after_considered name = list(self.pod_args['pods'].values())[0][0].name uses = f'"{list(self.pod_args["pods"].values())[0][0].uses}"' num_replicas = list(self.pod_args['pods'].values())[0][0].replicas # just put the replicas in parallel if num_replicas > 1: for rep_i in range(num_replicas): mermaid_graph.append(f'{name}/rep-{rep_i}[{uses}]:::pod;') else: mermaid_graph.append(f'{name}[{uses}]:::pod;') mermaid_graph.append('end;') return mermaid_graph