Source code for

import os
from typing import Dict

import numpy as np

from docarray import DocumentArray
from jina import Executor, requests

[docs]class MyIndexer(Executor): """ Executor with basic exact search using cosine distance """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if os.path.exists(self.workspace + '/indexer'): self._docs = DocumentArray.load(self.workspace + '/indexer') else: self._docs = DocumentArray()
[docs] @requests(on='/index') def index(self, docs: 'DocumentArray', **kwargs): """Extend self._docs :param docs: DocumentArray containing Documents :param kwargs: other keyword arguments """ self._docs.extend(docs)
[docs] @requests(on=['/search', '/eval']) def search(self, docs: 'DocumentArray', parameters: Dict, **kwargs): """Append best matches to each document in docs :param docs: documents that are searched :param parameters: dictionary of pairs (parameter,value) :param kwargs: other keyword arguments """ docs.match( self._docs, metric='cosine', normalization=(1, 0), limit=int(parameters['top_k']), )
[docs] def close(self): """ Stores the DocumentArray to disk """ + '/indexer')
[docs]class MyEncoder(Executor): """ Encode data using SVD decomposition """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) np.random.seed(1337) # generate a random orthogonal matrix H = np.random.rand(784, 64) u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(H, full_matrices=False) self.oth_mat = u @ vh
[docs] @requests def encode(self, docs: 'DocumentArray', **kwargs): """Encode the data using an SVD decomposition :param docs: input documents to update with an embedding :param kwargs: other keyword arguments """ # reduce dimension to 50 by random orthogonal projection content = np.stack(docs[:, 'content']) content = content[:, :, :, 0].reshape(-1, 784) embeds = ((content / 255) @ self.oth_mat).astype(np.float32) for doc, embed, cont in zip(docs, embeds, content): doc.embedding = embed doc.content = cont doc.convert_image_tensor_to_uri() doc.pop('tensor')
[docs]class MyConverter(Executor): """ Convert DocumentArrays removing tensor and reshaping tensor as image """
[docs] @requests def convert(self, docs: 'DocumentArray', **kwargs): """ Remove tensor and reshape documents as squared images :param docs: documents to modify :param kwargs: other keyword arguments """ for doc in docs: doc.convert_image_tensor_to_uri() doc.pop('tensor')