How to Scale Out Your Executor#


A Jina Flow orchestrates multiple Executors. By default, a Jina Executor runs with a single replica and shard. Some Executor in the Flow might be less performant than others, this could turn into a performance bottleneck in your Jina application.

To solve this, Jina Flow allows you to config the number of replicas and shards. replica is used to increase Executor throughput and availability. shard is used for data partitioning.

In this document, we’ll dive into these two concepts and see how you can make use of replicas and shards to scale out your Executor.

Before you start#

Before you begin, make sure you meet these prerequisites:

  • You have a good understanding of Jina Flow.

  • You have a good understanding of Jina Executor

  • Please install the following dependencies if you haven’t:

pip install jina==3.0.0
pip install sklearn==1.0.2
pip install pqlite==0.2.3

Speed up a slow Executor: Replicas#


Imagine you are building a text-based search system and you have an Executor to transform text to its tf-idf vector representation. This could become a performance bottleneck to your search system. The Executor looks like this:

from jina import Executor, requests
from docarray import Document

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups

# we use a test corpus from scikit-learn
data, _ = fetch_20newsgroups(

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()

def news_generator():
    for item in data:
        yield Document(text=item)

class MyVectorizer(Executor):
    def vectorize(self, docs, **kwargs):
        # Extract all text from jina document and vectorize
        X = vectorizer.transform(docs.contents)
        # Assign tf-idf representation as document embeddings
        docs.embeddings = X

And we create a Flow and make use this Executor:

from jina import Flow

f = Flow().add(name='fast_executor').add(name='slow_executor', uses=MyVectorizer)

Scale up an Executor#

When you start your Flow, you might discover to process all the text corpus, this process takes a while:

with f:'/foo', news_generator, show_progress=True)

As Jina reported, it takes around 6 seconds to accomplish the task. 6 seconds sounds reasonable (at index time), but bear in mind that this is just a test corpus. What if you need to index millions of documents?

           Flow@2011375[I]:πŸŽ‰ Flow is ready to use!                                        
	πŸ”— Protocol: 		GRPC
	🏠 Local access:
	πŸ”’ Private network:
	🌐 Public address:
β ‡       DONE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━ 0:00:06 18.1 step/s . 115 steps done in 6 seconds

Jina allows you to scale your Executor very easily, with only one parameter change:

+ f = Flow().add(name='fast_executor').add(name='slow_executor', uses=MyVectorizer, replicas=2)
- f = Flow().add(name='fast_executor').add(name='slow_executor', uses=MyVectorizer)

Let’s see how it performs given 2 Replicas:

           Flow@2011375[I]:πŸŽ‰ Flow is ready to use!                                        
	πŸ”— Protocol: 		GRPC
	🏠 Local access:
	πŸ”’ Private network:
	🌐 Public address:
β ‡       DONE ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╸━━━━━ 0:00:03 37.0 step/s . 115 steps done in 3 seconds

As you can see, now it only takes 3 seconds to finish the task. Quite intuitive, right? If you are deploying Jina with K8s, you can consider this Executor as a K8s Deployment and each replica as a K8s Pod.

Split data into partitions: Shards#


Now with your text corpus encoded as TF-IDF embeddings, it’s time to save the results. We’ll use Jina’s PQLiteIndexer to persist our embeddings for fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search.

And you add this PQLiteIndexer to your Flow:

from jina import Flow

f = (
    .add(name='slow_executor', uses=MyVectorizer)
            'dim': 130107,  # the dimension is fitted on the corpus in news dataset
            'metric': 'cosine',
        uses_metas={'workspace': 'CHANGE-TO-YOUR-PATH/workspace'},

Partitioning the data#

Now let’s run the Flow to index your data:

with f:'/index', inputs=news_generator, show_progress=True)

The PQLiteIndexer will save your indexed Documents to your specified workspace (directory). Since the default number of shards is one. All the data will be saved to YOUR-WORKSPACE-DIR/PQLiteIndexer/0/ where 0 is the shard id.

If you want to distribute your data to different places, Jina allows you to use shards to specify the number of shards.

f = (
    .add(name='slow_executor', uses=MyVectorizer)
        uses_with={'dim': 130107, 'metric': 'cosine'},
        uses_metas={'workspace': 'CHANGE-TO-YOUR-PATH/workspace'},

Now open your workspace directory, you’ll find we created 2 shards to store your indexed Documents: YOUR-WORKSPACE-DIR/PQLiteIndexer/0/ and YOUR-WORKSPACE-DIR/PQLiteIndexer/1/.

Different polling strategies#

When you have multiple shards, the default polling strategy is any. Jina supports two polling strategies:

  1. any: requests will be randomly assigned to one shard.

  2. all: requests will be handled by all shards.

In practice, when you are indexing your Documents, it’s better to set polling='any' to only store the Documents into one shard to avoid duplicates. On the other hand, at search time, the search requests should be across all shards. Thus we should set polling='all''.

As a result, we need to config our Flow definition with a different polling strategy: The new Flow:

# Config your polling strategy based on endpoints
# At index time, use ALL, at search time use ANY, the rest use ALL.
polling_config = {'/index': 'ANY', '/search': 'ALL', '*': 'ALL'}

f = (
    .add(name='slow_executor', uses=MyVectorizer)
        uses_with={'dim': 130107, 'metric': 'cosine'},
        uses_metas={'workspace': 'CHANGE-TO-YOUR-PATH/workspace'},

It should be noted that Jina will automatically reduce your results given multiple shards. For instance, when you are searching across multiple shards, Jina will collect matches from all shards and return the reduced results.


Jina can help you scale out your applications easily and effectively. Depending on your needs, if you want to increase the Executor throughput, use the replicas argument. If you want to partition your data across multiple places, use the shards with the polling strategy you want.