Migration to Jina 3#

Jina 3 comes with many improvements but to be able to enjoy them, you will also have to make some tweaks to your existing Jina 2 code.

One of the major changes in Jina 3 is DocArray being an external dependency: The previously included Document and DocumentArray data structures now form their own library and include new features, improved performance, and increased flexibility.

Accordingly, most of the breaking changes that users will experience when updating to Jina 3 are mainly related to Document and DocumentArray.

DocArray library

DocArray is our new library that includes the Document and DocumentArray data structures. Inside their own library, Document and DocumentArray are faster and more versatile than ever, and underpin neural search apps as well as the Jina ecosystem, including Jina and Finetuner.

In general, the breaking changes are aiming for increased simplicity and consistency, making your life easier in the long run. Here you can find out what exactly you will have to adapt.

Simple changes at a glance#

Many of the changes introduced in Jina 3 are easily adapted to a Jina 2 codebase. The modifications in the following table should, in most cases, be safe to perform without further thought or effort.

Jina 2 Jina 3
doc.blob doc.tensor
doc.buffer doc.blob
docs.get_attributes('attribute') docs[:, 'attribute']
['path1', 'path2'] 'path1,path2'
docs.traverse_flat(paths) docs['@paths']
docs.flatten() docs[...]
doc.SerializeToString() doc.to_bytes()
Document(bytes) Document.from_bytes()

There are, however, some more nuanced changes in Jina 3 as well. These are outlined below.

Document: More natural attribute names and Pythonic serialization#

Docarray introduces more natural naming conventions for Document and DocumentArray attributes.

  • doc.blob is renamed to doc.tensor, to align with external libraries like PyTorch and Tensorflow

  • doc.buffer is renamed to doc.blob, to align with the industry standard

  • doc.SerializeToString() is removed in favour of doc.to_bytes() and doc.to_json()

  • Creating a Document from serialized data using Document(bytes) is removed in favour of Document.from_bytes(bytes) and Document.from_json(bytes)

DocumentArray: Simplified attribute, element access and new storage options#

DocArray library

Take a look at the DocArray documentation to have a better understanding of accessing attributes and elements with DocArray

Attributes: Docarray introduces a flexible way of bulk-accessing attributes of Documents in a DocumentArray.

  • Instead of having to call docs.get_attributes('attribute'), you can simply call docs.attributes for a select number of attributes. Currently, this syntax is supported by:

    • text: docs.texts

    • blob: docs.blobs

    • tensor: docs.tensors

    • content: docs.contents

    • embedding: docs.embeddings

  • The remaining attributes can be accessed in bulk by calling docs[:, 'attribute'], e.g. docs[:, 'tags']. Additionally, you can access a specific key in tags by calling docs[:, 'tags__key'].

Array traversal: For traversing DocumentArrays via a traversal_path, docarray introduces a simplified notation

  • Traversal paths of the form [path1, path2] (e.g. ['r', 'cm']) are replaced by a single string of the form 'path1,path2' (e.g. 'r,cm')

  • docs.traverse_flat(path) is replaced by docs['@path'] (e.g. docs['@r,cm'])

  • docs.flatten() is replaced by docs[...]

from docarray import Document, DocumentArray

docs = nested_docs()

>>> ['root1', 'rooot2', 'chunk11', 'chunk12', 'chunk21', 'chunk22']
>>> ['chunk11', 'chunk12', 'root1', 'chunk21', 'chunk22', 'root2']

from docarray import Document, DocumentArray

docs = nested_docs()

>>> ['root1', 'rooot2', 'chunk11', 'chunk12', 'chunk21', 'chunk22']
>>> ['chunk11', 'chunk12', 'root1', 'chunk21', 'chunk22', 'root2']

Batching: Batching operations are delegated to the docarray package and Python builtins:

  • docs.batch() does not accept the arguments traversal_paths= and require_attr= anymore. The example below shows how to achieve complex behavior that previously relied on these arguments, in a more Pythonic and Jina 3 compatible way:

docs.batch(traversal_paths=paths, batch_size=bs, require_attr='attr')
DocumentArray(filter(lambda x: bool(x.attr), docs['@paths'])).batch(batch_size=bs)

Accessing non-existent values: In Jina 2, bulk-accessing attributes in a DocumentArray returns a list of empty values, when the Documents inside the DocumentArray do not have a value for that attribute. In Jina 3, this returns None. This change becomes important when migrating code that checks for the presence of a certain attribute.

from docarray import Document, DocumentArray

d = Document()
>>> ''
docs = DocumentArray([d, d])
>>> ['', '']
from docarray import Document, DocumentArray

d = Document()
>>> ''
docs = DocumentArray([d, d])
>>> None

Serialization: DocumentArray introduces the same Pythonic serialization syntax as Document.

  • docs.SerializeToString() is removed in favour of docs.to_bytes() and docs.to_json()

  • Creating a DocumentArray from serialized data using DocumentArray(bytes) is removed in favour of DocumentArray.from_bytes(bytes) and DocumentArray.from_json(bytes)

New storage options:

Jina 2 used to offer persistence of DocumentArray through DocumentArrayMemmap. In Jina 3, this data structure is deprecated and we introduce different Document Stores within the DocumentArray API. Thus, you can enjoy a consistent DocumentArray API across different storage backends and leverage modern databases.

For example, you can use SQLite backend as a replacement for DocumentArrayMemmap, which lets you persist Documents to disk and load them in another session:

from docarray import Document, DocumentArray

das = DocumentArray(
    config={'connection': 'my_connection', 'table_name': 'my_table_name'},
das.extend([Document() for _ in range(10)])
from docarray import DocumentArray

das = DocumentArray(
    config={'connection': 'my_connection', 'table_name': 'my_table_name'},

The API is almost the same as the deprecated DocumentArrayMemmap and is consistent across storage backends and in-memory storage. Furthermore, some Document Stores offer fast Nearest Neighbor algorithms and are more convenient in production.

Flow and Client: Simplified .post() behavior#

client.post() and flow.post() now return a flattened DocumentArray instead of a list of Responses when no callback function is specified.

.post() can still be configured to return a list of Responses, by passing return_responses=True to the Client or Flow constructors.

Consistent YAML parsing syntax#

In Jina 3, YAML syntax is aligned with Github Actions notation, which leads to the following changes:

  • Referencing environment variables using the syntax ${{ VAR }} is no longer allowed. The POSIX notations for environment variables, $var, has been deprecated. Instead, use ${{ ENV.VAR }}.

  • The syntax ${{ VAR }} now defaults to signifying a context variable, passed in a dict(). If you want to be explicit about the use of context variables, you can use ${{ CONTEXT.VAR }}.

  • Relative paths can point to other variables within the same .yaml file, and can be references using the syntax ${{root.path.to.var}}.

Environment variables vs. relative paths

Note that the only difference between and environment variable and relative path syntax is the inclusion of spaces in the former (${{ var }}), and the omission of spaces in the latter (${{path}}).

Common errors and solutions#

AttributeError: 'Document' object has no attribute 'buffer'


Replace doc.buffer with doc.blob in your entire codebase

RuntimeError: Could not infer dtype of NoneType while performing doc.embed()


Replace doc.blob with doc.tensor in your entire codebase

AttributeError: 'DocumentArray' object has no attribute 'get_attributes'


Replace docs.get_attributes('attribute') with docs[:, 'attribute']

AttributeError: 'Document' object has no attribute 'SerializeToString'


Replace doc.SerializeToString with doc.to_bytes or doc.to_json

ValueError: Failed to initialize docarray.document.Document from obj=b"..."


Replace Document(bytes) with Document.from_bytes(bytes)

TypeError: batch() got an unexpected keyword argument 'traversal_paths'


Replace docs.batch(traversal_path='path', batch_size=bs) with docs['@path'].batch(batch_size=bs)

TypeError: batch() got an unexpected keyword argument 'require_attr'


Replace docs.batch(traversal_path='path', require_attr='attr') with DocumentArray(filter(lambda x: bool(x.attr)), docs).batch(batch_size=bs)

AttributeError: 'Document' object has no attribute 'docs' when operating on the output of flow.post()


Remove resp[i].docs as flow.post() already returns a DocumentArray