Access Flow API#

Once you have configured your Flow API you can access it over the network. There are multiple ways of doing this.

Jina Client#

See Also

For a more detailed description of the Jina Client, see its dedicated documentation page.

Jina offers a built-in client that supports gRPC, HTTP, and Websocket connections to a Flow. Sending a request to a Flow is as simple as calling the .post() method:

from docarray import Document, DocumentArray
from jina import Client

# Flow exposed on host HOST and port PORT
c = Client(host=HOST, port=PORT)
response_docs ='/search', inputs=DocumentArray())
from docarray import Document, DocumentArray
from jina import Client

# Flow exposed on host HOST and port PORT
c = Client(host=HOST, port=PORT, protocol='http')
response_docs ='/search', inputs=DocumentArray())
from docarray import Document, DocumentArray
from jina import Client

# Flow exposed on host HOST and port PORT
c = Client(host=HOST, port=PORT, protocol='websocket')
response_docs ='/search', inputs=DocumentArray())

The Client also supports a number of additional features, such as batching requests, callback functions, asynchronous calls, passing additional parameters, and more.

HTTP access#

Available Protocols

Jina Flows can use one of three protocols: gRPC, HTTP, or Websocket. Only Flows that use HTTP can be accessed via the methods described below.

Outside of using the Jina Client, various forms of sending HTTP requests are the most common way of interacting with a Flow.

You can always use post to interact with a Flow, using the /post HTTP endpoint. Your HTTP request can include the following parameters:

  • execEndpoint - required: Executor endpoint string to target, e.g. "execEndpoint": "/index"

  • data - optional: List specifying the input Documents, e.g. "data": [{"text": "hello"}, {"text": "world"}].

  • paramters - optional: Dictionary of parameters to be sent to the Executors, e.g. "parameters": {"param1": "hello world"}

  • targetExecutor - optional: String indicating an Executor to target. Default targets all Executors, e.g. "targetExecutor": "MyExec"

Instead of using the generic /post endpoint, you can directly use endpoints like /index or /search. In this case your data request will be sent to the corresponding Executor endpoint, so the parameter execEndpoint does not need to be specified.

In any case, the response you receive will include data (and array of Documents), as well as the fields routes, parameters, and header.

See also: Flow REST API

For a more detailed descripton of the REST API of a generic Flow, including the complete request body schema and request samples, see here.

For a specific deployed Flow, you can get the same overview by accessing the /redoc endpoint.

Use Swagger UI to send HTTP request#

Flows provide a customized Swagger UI which can be used to interact with the Flow visually, through a web browser.

Available Protocols

Only Flows that have cors enabled expose a Swagger UI interface.

For a Flow that is exposed on port PORT, you can navigate to the Swagger UI via http://localhost:PORT/docs:


Here you can see all the endpoints that are exposed by the Flow, such as /search and /index.

To send a request, click on the endpoint you want to target, then on try it out.

Now you can enter your HTTP request, and send it by clicking on Execute. You can again use the REST HTTP request schema, but do not need to specify execEndpoint.

You should see the raw response, together with a visual representation of the returned Documents.

Use HTTP client to send request#

You can send data requests to a Flow via cURL, Postman, or any other HTTP client.

cURL example
$ curl --request POST 'http://localhost:12345/post' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"data": [{"text": "hello world"}],"execEndpoint": "/index"}'

  "requestId": "e2978837-e5cb-45c6-a36d-588cf9b24309",
  "data": {
    "docs": [
        "id": "84d9538e-f5be-11eb-8383-c7034ef3edd4",
        "granularity": 0,
        "adjacency": 0,
        "parentId": "",
        "text": "hello world",
        "chunks": [],
        "weight": 0.0,
        "matches": [],
        "mimeType": "",
        "tags": {
          "mimeType": "",
          "parentId": ""
        "location": [],
        "offset": 0,
        "embedding": null,
        "scores": {},
        "modality": "",
        "evaluations": {}
    "groundtruths": []
  "header": {
    "execEndpoint": "/index",
    "targetPeapod": "",
    "noPropagate": false
  "parameters": {},
  "routes": [
      "pod": "gateway",
      "podId": "5742d5dd-43f1-451f-88e7-ece0588b7557",
      "startTime": "2021-08-05T07:26:58.636258+00:00",
      "endTime": "2021-08-05T07:26:58.636910+00:00",
      "status": null
  "status": {
    "code": 0,
    "description": "",
    "exception": null

GraphQL Interface#

See Also

This article does not serve as the introduction to GraphQL. If you are not already familiar with GraphQL, we recommend you learn more about GraphQL from the official GraphQL documentation. You may also want to learn about Strawberry, the library that powers Jina’s GraphQL support.

Jina Flows that use the HTTP protocol can also provide a GraphQL API, which is located behind the ‘/graphql’ endpoint. GraphQL has the advantage of letting the user define their own response schema, which means that only the fields that are required will be sent over the wire. This is especially useful when the user does not need potentially large fields, like image tensors.

You can access the Flow from any GraphQL client, like for example, sgqlc.

from sgqlc.endpoint.http import HTTPEndpoint

endpoint = HTTPEndpoint(url=f'{HOSTNAME}:{PORT}/graphql')
mut = '''
        mutation {
            docs(data: {text: "abcd"}) { 
                matches {
response = endpoint(mut)

Mutations and arguments#

The Flow GraphQL API exposes the mutation docs, which sends its inputs to the Flow’s Executors, just like HTTP post as described above.

A GraphQL mutation can take the following arguments:

  • execEndpoint - required: String representing the Executor endpoint to target, e.g. execEndpoint: "/search"

  • data - optional: List of Documents to be processed by the Executors, e.g. data: [{text: "hello"}, {text: "world"}

  • parameters - optional: Dictionary of parameters to be passed to the Executors, e.g. parameters: {"my_param": 3}

  • targetExecutor - optional: String representing name of the Executor to target, e.g "targetExecutor: "MyExec"

The GraphQL response can include all fields available on a DocumentArray.

See Also

For more details on the GraphQL format of Document and DocumentArray, see the documentation page or the developer reference.


The available fields in the GraphQL API are defined by the Document Strawberry type.

Essentially, you can ask for any property of a Document, including embedding, text, tensor, id, matches, tags, and more.

See further#