jina.types.request.data module#

class jina.types.request.data.DataRequest(request=None)[source]#

Bases: Request

Represents a DataRequest used for exchanging DocumentArrays to and within a Flow

property is_decompressed: bool#

Checks if the underlying proto object was already deserialized

Return type



True if the proto was deserialized before

property proto: DataRequestProto#

Cast self to a jina_pb2.DataRequestProto. Laziness will be broken and serialization will be recomputed when calling SerializeToString(). :rtype: DataRequestProto :return: protobuf instance


Return the object in Python dictionary.


Array like object such as numpy.ndarray (i.e. anything described as jina_pb2.NdArrayProto) will be converted to Python list.

Return type



dict representation of the object

property docs: DocumentArray#

Get the :class: DocumentArray with sequence data.docs as content.

Return type



The decorator to cache property of a class.

property parameters: Dict#

Return the parameters field of this DataRequest as a Python dict :rtype: Dict :return: a Python dict view of the parameters.

property response#

Returns the response of this request.


the response of this request (self) as an instance of Response

property status#

Returns the status from the header field


the status object of this request

classmethod from_proto(request)[source]#

Creates a new DataRequest object from a given DataRequestProto object. :type request: DataRequestProto :param request: the to-be-copied data request :return: the new message object

class jina.types.request.data.Response(request=None)[source]#

Bases: DataRequest

Response is the Request object returns from the flow. Right now it shares the same representation as Request. At 0.8.12, Response is a simple alias. But it does give a more consistent semantic on the client API: send a Request and receive a Response.


For now it only exposes Docs and GroundTruth. Users should very rarely access Control commands, so preferably not confuse the user by adding CommandMixin.