jina.types.request package#


Module contents#

class jina.types.request.Request[source]#

Bases: ProtoTypeMixin

Request is one of the primitive data type in Jina.

It offers a Pythonic interface to allow users access and manipulate jina.jina_pb2.RequestProto object without working with Protobuf itself.

A container for serialized jina_pb2.RequestProto that only triggers deserialization and decompression when receives the first read access to its member.

It overrides __getattr__() to provide the same get/set interface as an jina_pb2.RequestProto object.

add_exception(ex=None, executor=None)[source]#

Add exception to the last route in the envelope :type ex: Optional[Exception] :param ex: Exception to be added :type executor: Optional[BaseExecutor] :param executor: Executor related to the exception

Return type
