jina.orchestrate.pods package#


Module contents#

class jina.orchestrate.pods.BasePod(args)[source]#

Bases: ABC

BasePod is an interface from which all the classes managing the lifetime of a Runtime inside a local process, container or in a remote JinaD instance (to come) must inherit.

It exposes the required APIs so that the BasePod can be handled by the cli api as a context manager or by a Deployment.

What makes a BasePod a BasePod is that it manages the lifecycle of a Runtime (gateway or not gateway)


Close the Pod

This method makes sure that the Process/thread is properly finished and its resources properly released

Return type



Block until all pods starts successfully.

If not success, it will raise an error hoping the outer function to catch it

async async_wait_start_success()[source]#

Wait for the Pod to start successfully in a non-blocking manner

property role: PodRoleType#

Get the role of this pod in a deployment .. #noqa: DAR201

Return type


abstract start()[source]#

Start the BasePod. This method calls start() in threading.Thread or multiprocesssing.Process. .. #noqa: DAR201

abstract join(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Joins the BasePod. Wait for the BasePod to properly terminate

  • args – extra positional arguments

  • kwargs – extra keyword arguments

class jina.orchestrate.pods.Pod(args)[source]#

Bases: BasePod

Pod is a thread/process- container of BaseRuntime. It leverages threading.Thread or multiprocessing.Process to manage the lifecycle of a BaseRuntime object in a robust way.

A Pod must be equipped with a proper Runtime class to work.


Start the Pod. This method calls start() in threading.Thread or multiprocesssing.Process. .. #noqa: DAR201

join(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Joins the Pod. This method calls join() in threading.Thread or multiprocesssing.Process.

  • args – extra positional arguments to pass to join

  • kwargs – extra keyword arguments to pass to join