Source code for jina.serve.runtimes.request_handlers.data_request_handler

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional

from docarray import DocumentArray

from jina import __default_endpoint__
from jina.excepts import BadConfigSource, ExecutorFailToLoad
from jina.serve.executors import BaseExecutor
from import DataRequest

    import argparse

    from jina.logging.logger import JinaLogger

[docs]class DataRequestHandler: """Object to encapsulate the code related to handle the data requests passing to executor and its returned values""" def __init__(self, args: 'argparse.Namespace', logger: 'JinaLogger', **kwargs): """Initialize private parameters and execute private loading functions. :param args: args from CLI :param logger: the logger provided by the user :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments """ super().__init__() self.args = args self.args.parallel = self.args.shards self.logger = logger self._is_closed = False self._load_executor() def _load_executor(self): """Load the executor to this runtime, specified by ``uses`` CLI argument.""" try: self._executor: BaseExecutor = BaseExecutor.load_config( self.args.uses, uses_with=self.args.uses_with, uses_metas=self.args.uses_metas, uses_requests=self.args.uses_requests, runtime_args={ 'workspace': self.args.workspace, 'shard_id': self.args.shard_id, 'shards': self.args.shards, 'replicas': self.args.replicas, 'name':, 'py_modules': self.args.py_modules, }, extra_search_paths=self.args.extra_search_paths, ) except BadConfigSource as ex: self.logger.error( f'fail to load config from {self.args.uses}, if you are using docker image for --uses, ' f'please use "docker://YOUR_IMAGE_NAME"' ) raise ExecutorFailToLoad from ex except FileNotFoundError as ex: self.logger.error(f'fail to load file dependency') raise ExecutorFailToLoad from ex except Exception as ex: self.logger.critical(f'can not load the executor from {self.args.uses}') raise ExecutorFailToLoad from ex @staticmethod def _parse_params(parameters: Dict, executor_name: str): parsed_params = parameters specific_parameters = parameters.get(executor_name, None) if specific_parameters: parsed_params.update(**specific_parameters) return parsed_params
[docs] async def handle(self, requests: List['DataRequest']) -> DataRequest: """Initialize private parameters and execute private loading functions. :param requests: The messages to handle containing a DataRequest :returns: the processed message """ # skip executor if endpoints mismatch if ( requests[0].header.exec_endpoint not in self._executor.requests and __default_endpoint__ not in self._executor.requests ): self.logger.debug( f'skip executor: mismatch request, exec_endpoint: {requests[0].header.exec_endpoint}, requests: {self._executor.requests}' ) return requests[0] params = self._parse_params(requests[0].parameters, docs = DataRequestHandler.get_docs_from_request( requests, field='docs', ) # executor logic return_data = await self._executor.__acall__( req_endpoint=requests[0].header.exec_endpoint, docs=docs, parameters=params, docs_matrix=DataRequestHandler.get_docs_matrix_from_request( requests, field='docs', ), ) # assigning result back to request if return_data is not None: if isinstance(return_data, DocumentArray): docs = return_data elif isinstance(return_data, dict): params = requests[0].parameters results_key = '__results__' if not results_key in params.keys(): params[results_key] = dict() params[results_key].update({ return_data}) requests[0].parameters = params else: raise TypeError( f'The return type must be DocumentArray / Dict / `None`, ' f'but getting {return_data!r}' ) DataRequestHandler.replace_docs(requests[0], docs, self.args.output_array_type) return requests[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def replace_docs( request: List['DataRequest'], docs: 'DocumentArray', ndarrray_type: str = None ) -> None: """Replaces the docs in a message with new Documents. :param request: The request object :param docs: the new docs to be used :param ndarrray_type: type tensor and embedding will be converted to """, ndarray_type=ndarrray_type)
[docs] @staticmethod def replace_parameters(request: List['DataRequest'], parameters: Dict) -> None: """Replaces the parameters in a message with new Documents. :param request: The request object :param parameters: the new parameters to be used """ request.parameters = parameters
[docs] @staticmethod def merge_routes(requests: List['DataRequest']) -> None: """Merges all routes found in requests into the first message :param requests: The messages containing the requests with the routes to merge """ if len(requests) <= 1: return existing_executor_routes = [r.executor for r in requests[0].routes] for request in requests[1:]: for route in request.routes: if route.executor not in existing_executor_routes: requests[0].routes.append(route) existing_executor_routes.append(route.executor)
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the data request handler, by closing the executor """ if not self._is_closed: self._executor.close() self._is_closed = True
[docs] @staticmethod def get_docs_matrix_from_request( requests: List['DataRequest'], field: str, ) -> List['DocumentArray']: """ Returns a docs matrix from a list of DataRequest objects. :param requests: List of DataRequest objects :param field: field to be retrieved :return: docs matrix: list of DocumentArray objects """ if len(requests) > 1: result = [getattr(request, field) for request in requests] else: result = [getattr(requests[0], field)] # to unify all length=0 DocumentArray (or any other results) will simply considered as None # otherwise, the executor has to handle [None, None, None] or [DocArray(0), DocArray(0), DocArray(0)] len_r = sum(len(r) for r in result) if len_r: return result
[docs] @staticmethod def get_parameters_dict_from_request( requests: List['DataRequest'], ) -> 'Dict': """ Returns a parameters dict from a list of DataRequest objects. :param requests: List of DataRequest objects :return: parameters matrix: list of parameters (Dict) objects """ key_result = '__results__' parameters = requests[0].parameters if key_result not in parameters.keys(): parameters[key_result] = dict() # we only merge the results and make the assumption that the others params does not change during execution for req in requests: parameters[key_result].update(req.parameters.get(key_result, dict())) return parameters
[docs] @staticmethod def get_docs_from_request( requests: List['DataRequest'], field: str, ) -> 'DocumentArray': """ Gets a field from the message :param requests: requests to get the field from :param field: field name to access :returns: DocumentArray extraced from the field from all messages """ if len(requests) > 1: result = DocumentArray( [ d for r in reversed([request for request in requests]) for d in getattr(r, field) ] ) else: result = getattr(requests[0], field) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def reduce(docs_matrix: List['DocumentArray']) -> Optional['DocumentArray']: """ Reduces a list of DocumentArrays into one DocumentArray. Changes are applied to the first DocumentArray in-place. Reduction consists in reducing every DocumentArray in `docs_matrix` sequentially using :class:`DocumentArray`.:method:`reduce`. The resulting DocumentArray contains Documents of all DocumentArrays. If a Document exists in many DocumentArrays, data properties are merged with priority to the left-most DocumentArrays (that is, if a data attribute is set in a Document belonging to many DocumentArrays, the attribute value of the left-most DocumentArray is kept). Matches and chunks of a Document belonging to many DocumentArrays are also reduced in the same way. Other non-data properties are ignored. .. note:: - Matches are not kept in a sorted order when they are reduced. You might want to re-sort them in a later step. - The final result depends on the order of DocumentArrays when applying reduction. :param docs_matrix: List of DocumentArrays to be reduced :return: the resulting DocumentArray """ if docs_matrix: da = docs_matrix[0] da.reduce_all(docs_matrix[1:]) return da
[docs] @staticmethod def reduce_requests(requests: List['DataRequest']) -> 'DataRequest': """ Reduces a list of requests containing DocumentArrays inton one request object. Changes are applied to the first request object in-place. Reduction consists in reducing every DocumentArray in `requests` sequentially using :class:`DocumentArray`.:method:`reduce`. The resulting DataRequest object contains Documents of all DocumentArrays inside requests. :param requests: List of DataRequest objects :return: the resulting DataRequest """ docs_matrix = DataRequestHandler.get_docs_matrix_from_request( requests, field='docs' ) # Reduction is applied in-place to the first DocumentArray in the matrix da = DataRequestHandler.reduce(docs_matrix) DataRequestHandler.replace_docs(requests[0], da) params = DataRequestHandler.get_parameters_dict_from_request(requests) DataRequestHandler.replace_parameters(requests[0], params) return requests[0]