Source code for jina.serve.runtimes.head

import argparse
import asyncio
import json
import multiprocessing
import os
import threading
from abc import ABC
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple, Dict

import grpc

from jina.serve.runtimes.asyncio import AsyncNewLoopRuntime
from jina.serve.runtimes.request_handlers.data_request_handler import DataRequestHandler
from jina.serve.networking import create_connection_pool, K8sGrpcConnectionPool
from jina.enums import PollingType
from jina.proto import jina_pb2_grpc
from jina.types.request.control import ControlRequest
from import DataRequest
from jina import __default_executor__

[docs]class HeadRuntime(AsyncNewLoopRuntime, ABC): """ Runtime is used in head pods. It responds to Gateway requests and sends to uses_before/uses_after and its workers """ DEFAULT_POLLING = PollingType.ANY def __init__( self, args: argparse.Namespace, cancel_event: Optional[ Union['asyncio.Event', 'multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'] ] = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize grpc server for the head runtime. :param args: args from CLI :param cancel_event: the cancel event used to wait for canceling :param kwargs: keyword args """ super().__init__(args, cancel_event, **kwargs) if is None: = '' = self._deployment_name = os.getenv('JINA_DEPLOYMENT_NAME', 'worker') self.connection_pool = create_connection_pool( logger=self.logger, k8s_connection_pool=args.k8s_connection_pool, k8s_namespace=args.k8s_namespace, ) polling = getattr(args, 'polling', try: # try loading the polling args as json endpoint_polling = json.loads(polling) # '*' is used a wildcard and will match all endpoints, except /index, /search and explicitly defined endpoins default_polling = ( PollingType.from_string(endpoint_polling['*']) if '*' in endpoint_polling else self.DEFAULT_POLLING ) self._polling = self._default_polling_dict(default_polling) for endpoint in endpoint_polling: self._polling[endpoint] = PollingType( endpoint_polling[endpoint] if type(endpoint_polling[endpoint]) == int else PollingType.from_string(endpoint_polling[endpoint]) ) except (ValueError, TypeError): # polling args is not a valid json, try interpreting as a polling enum type default_polling = ( polling if type(polling) == PollingType else PollingType.from_string(polling) ) self._polling = self._default_polling_dict(default_polling) # In K8s the ConnectionPool needs the information about the Jina Deployment its running in # This is stored in the environment variable JINA_DEPLOYMENT_NAME in all Jina K8s default templates if ( type(self.connection_pool) == K8sGrpcConnectionPool and 'JINA_DEPLOYMENT_NAME' not in os.environ ): raise ValueError( 'K8s deployments need to specify the environment variable "JINA_DEPLOYMENT_NAME"' ) if hasattr(args, 'connection_list') and args.connection_list: connection_list = json.loads(args.connection_list) for shard_id in connection_list: shard_connections = connection_list[shard_id] if isinstance(shard_connections, str): self.connection_pool.add_connection( deployment=self._deployment_name, address=shard_connections, shard_id=int(shard_id), ) else: for connection in shard_connections: self.connection_pool.add_connection( deployment=self._deployment_name, address=connection, shard_id=int(shard_id), ) self.uses_before_address = args.uses_before_address if self.uses_before_address: self.connection_pool.add_connection( deployment='uses_before', address=self.uses_before_address ) self.uses_after_address = args.uses_after_address if self.uses_after_address: self.connection_pool.add_connection( deployment='uses_after', address=self.uses_after_address ) self._reduce = not args.disable_reduce def _default_polling_dict(self, default_polling): return defaultdict( lambda: default_polling, {'/search': PollingType.ALL, '/index': PollingType.ANY}, )
[docs] async def async_setup(self): """ Wait for the GRPC server to start """ self._grpc_server = grpc.aio.server( options=[ ('grpc.max_send_message_length', -1), ('grpc.max_receive_message_length', -1), ] ) jina_pb2_grpc.add_JinaSingleDataRequestRPCServicer_to_server( self, self._grpc_server ) jina_pb2_grpc.add_JinaDataRequestRPCServicer_to_server(self, self._grpc_server) jina_pb2_grpc.add_JinaControlRequestRPCServicer_to_server( self, self._grpc_server ) bind_addr = f'{self.args.port}' self._grpc_server.add_insecure_port(bind_addr) self.logger.debug(f'Start listening on {bind_addr}') await self._grpc_server.start()
[docs] async def async_run_forever(self): """Block until the GRPC server is terminated """ self.connection_pool.start() await self._grpc_server.wait_for_termination()
[docs] async def async_cancel(self): """Stop the GRPC server""" self.logger.debug('Cancel HeadRuntime') await self._grpc_server.stop(0)
[docs] async def async_teardown(self): """Close the connection pool""" await self.async_cancel() await self.connection_pool.close()
[docs] async def process_single_data(self, request: DataRequest, context) -> DataRequest: """ Process the received requests and return the result as a new request :param request: the data request to process :param context: grpc context :returns: the response request """ return await self.process_data([request], context)
[docs] async def process_data(self, requests: List[DataRequest], context) -> DataRequest: """ Process the received data request and return the result as a new request :param requests: the data requests to process :param context: grpc context :returns: the response request """ try: endpoint = dict(context.invocation_metadata()).get('endpoint') response, metadata = await self._handle_data_request(requests, endpoint) context.set_trailing_metadata(metadata.items()) return response except (RuntimeError, Exception) as ex: self.logger.error( f'{ex!r}' + f'\n add "--quiet-error" to suppress the exception details' if not self.args.quiet_error else '', exc_info=not self.args.quiet_error, ) raise
[docs] async def process_control(self, request: ControlRequest, *args) -> ControlRequest: """ Process the received control request and return the input request :param request: the data request to process :param args: additional arguments in the grpc call, ignored :returns: the input request """ try: if self.logger.debug_enabled: self._log_control_request(request) if request.command == 'ACTIVATE': for relatedEntity in request.relatedEntities: connection_string = f'{relatedEntity.address}:{relatedEntity.port}' self.connection_pool.add_connection( deployment=self._deployment_name, address=connection_string, shard_id=relatedEntity.shard_id if relatedEntity.HasField('shard_id') else None, ) elif request.command == 'DEACTIVATE': for relatedEntity in request.relatedEntities: connection_string = f'{relatedEntity.address}:{relatedEntity.port}' await self.connection_pool.remove_connection( deployment=self._deployment_name, address=connection_string, shard_id=relatedEntity.shard_id, ) return request except (RuntimeError, Exception) as ex: self.logger.error( f'{ex!r}' + f'\n add "--quiet-error" to suppress the exception details' if not self.args.quiet_error else '', exc_info=not self.args.quiet_error, ) raise
async def _handle_data_request( self, requests: List[DataRequest], endpoint: Optional[str] ) -> Tuple[DataRequest, Dict]: self.logger.debug(f'recv {len(requests)} DataRequest(s)') DataRequestHandler.merge_routes(requests) uses_before_metadata = None if self.uses_before_address: ( response, uses_before_metadata, ) = await self.connection_pool.send_requests_once( requests, deployment='uses_before' ) requests = [response] elif len(requests) > 1 and self._reduce: requests = [DataRequestHandler.reduce_requests(requests)] worker_send_tasks = self.connection_pool.send_requests( requests=requests, deployment=self._deployment_name, polling_type=self._polling[endpoint], ) worker_results = await asyncio.gather(*worker_send_tasks) if len(worker_results) == 0: raise RuntimeError( f'Head {} did not receive a response when sending message to worker pods' ) worker_results, metadata = zip(*worker_results) response_request = worker_results[0] uses_after_metadata = None if self.uses_after_address: ( response_request, uses_after_metadata, ) = await self.connection_pool.send_requests_once( worker_results, deployment='uses_after' ) elif len(worker_results) > 1 and self._reduce: DataRequestHandler.reduce_requests(worker_results) elif len(worker_results) > 1 and not self._reduce: # worker returned multiple responsed, but the head is configured to skip reduction # just concatenate the docs in this case = DataRequestHandler.get_docs_from_request( requests, field='docs' ) merged_metadata = self._merge_metadata( metadata, uses_after_metadata, uses_before_metadata ) return response_request, merged_metadata def _merge_metadata(self, metadata, uses_after_metadata, uses_before_metadata): merged_metadata = {} if uses_before_metadata: for key, value in uses_before_metadata: merged_metadata[key] = value for meta in metadata: for key, value in meta: merged_metadata[key] = value if uses_after_metadata: for key, value in uses_after_metadata: merged_metadata[key] = value return merged_metadata