Source code for jina.serve.runtimes

[docs]def list_all_runtimes(): """List all public runtimes that can be used directly with :class:`jina.orchestrate.pods.Pod` # noqa: DAR101 # noqa: DAR201 """ from jina.serve.runtimes.base import BaseRuntime from jina.serve.runtimes.gateway.grpc import GRPCGatewayRuntime from jina.serve.runtimes.gateway.http import HTTPGatewayRuntime from jina.serve.runtimes.gateway.websocket import WebSocketGatewayRuntime from jina.serve.runtimes.worker import WorkerRuntime return [ k for k, s in locals().items() if isinstance(s, type) and issubclass(s, BaseRuntime) ]
[docs]def get_runtime(name: str): """Get a public runtime by its name # noqa: DAR101 # noqa: DAR201 """ from jina.serve.runtimes.base import BaseRuntime from jina.serve.runtimes.gateway.grpc import GRPCGatewayRuntime from jina.serve.runtimes.gateway.http import HTTPGatewayRuntime from jina.serve.runtimes.gateway.websocket import WebSocketGatewayRuntime from jina.serve.runtimes.worker import WorkerRuntime from jina.serve.runtimes.head import HeadRuntime s = locals()[name] if isinstance(s, type) and issubclass(s, BaseRuntime): return s else: raise TypeError(f'{s!r} is not in type {BaseRuntime!r}')