Source code for jina.parsers.orchestrate.base

"""Base argparser module for Pod and Deployment runtime"""
import argparse
import os

from jina.parsers.helper import add_arg_group, _SHOW_ALL_ARGS
from jina.enums import PollingType
from jina.helper import random_identity

[docs]def mixin_base_ppr_parser(parser): """Mixing in arguments required by pod/deployment/runtime module into the given parser. :param parser: the parser instance to which we add arguments """ gp = add_arg_group(parser, title='Essential') gp.add_argument( '--name', type=str, help=''' The name of this object. This will be used in the following places: - how you refer to this object in Python/YAML/CLI - visualization - log message header - ... When not given, then the default naming strategy will apply. ''', ) gp.add_argument( '--workspace', type=str, default=None, help='The working directory for any IO operations in this object. ' 'If not set, then derive from its parent `workspace`.', ) from jina import __resources_path__ gp.add_argument( '--log-config', type=str, default=os.path.join(__resources_path__, 'logging.default.yml'), help='The YAML config of the logger used in this object.', ) gp.add_argument( '--quiet', action='store_true', default=False, help='If set, then no log will be emitted from this object.', ) gp.add_argument( '--quiet-error', action='store_true', default=False, help='If set, then exception stack information will not be added to the log', ) gp.add_argument( '--workspace-id', type=str, default=random_identity(), help='the UUID for identifying the workspace. When not given a random id will be assigned.' 'Multiple Pod/Deployment/Flow will work under the same workspace if they share the same ' '`workspace-id`.' if _SHOW_ALL_ARGS else argparse.SUPPRESS, ) parser.add_argument( '--extra-search-paths', type=str, default=[], nargs='*', help='Extra search paths to be used when loading modules and finding YAML config files.' if _SHOW_ALL_ARGS else argparse.SUPPRESS, ) gp.add_argument( '--timeout-ctrl', type=int, default=int(os.getenv('JINA_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_CTRL', '60')), help='The timeout in milliseconds of the control request, -1 for waiting forever', ) parser.add_argument( '--k8s-namespace', type=str, help='Name of the namespace where Kubernetes deployment should be deployed, to be filled by flow name' if _SHOW_ALL_ARGS else argparse.SUPPRESS, ) gp.add_argument( '--k8s-disable-connection-pool', action='store_false', dest='k8s_connection_pool', default=True, help='Defines if connection pooling for replicas should be disabled in K8s. This mechanism implements load balancing between replicas of the same executor. This should be disabled if a service mesh (like istio) is used for load balancing.' if _SHOW_ALL_ARGS else argparse.SUPPRESS, ) gp.add_argument( '--polling', type=str,, help=''' The polling strategy of the Deployment and its endpoints (when `shards>1`). Can be defined for all endpoints of a Deployment or by endpoint. Define per Deployment: - ANY: only one (whoever is idle) Pod polls the message - ALL: all Pods poll the message (like a broadcast) Define per Endpoint: JSON dict, {endpoint: PollingType} {'/custom': 'ALL', '/search': 'ANY', '*': 'ANY'} ''', )