Source code for jina.orchestrate.pods.jinad

import argparse
import asyncio
import copy
import multiprocessing
import threading
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from jina.enums import replace_enum_to_str
from jina.excepts import (
from jina.helper import run_async
from jina.importer import ImportExtensions
from jina.jaml.helper import complete_path
from jina.logging.logger import JinaLogger
from jina.orchestrate.pods import BasePod
from jina.orchestrate.pods.helper import _get_worker, is_ready

    import argparse

[docs]class JinaDProcessTarget: """Target to be executed on JinaD Process""" def __call__( self, args: 'argparse.Namespace', is_started: Union['multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'], is_shutdown: Union['multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'], is_ready: Union['multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'], is_cancelled: Union['multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'], envs: Optional[Dict] = None, ): """Method responsible to manage a remote Pod This method is the target for the Pod's `thread` or `process` .. note:: Please note that env variables are process-specific. Subprocess inherits envs from the main process. But Subprocess's envs do NOT affect the main process. It does NOT mess up user local system envs. :param args: namespace args from the Pod :param is_started: concurrency event to communicate runtime is properly started. Used for better logging :param is_shutdown: concurrency event to communicate runtime is terminated :param is_ready: concurrency event to communicate runtime is ready to receive messages :param is_cancelled: concurrency event to receive cancelling signal from the Pod. Needed by some runtimes :param envs: a dictionary of environment variables to be passed to remote Pod """ self.args = args self.envs = envs self.is_started = is_started self.is_shutdown = is_shutdown self.is_ready = is_ready self.is_cancelled = is_cancelled self.pod_id = None self._logger = JinaLogger('RemotePod', **vars(args)) run_async(self._run) async def _run(self): """Manage a remote Pod""" try: await self._create_remote_pod() except Exception as ex: self._logger.error( f'{ex!r} while starting a remote Pod' + f'\n add "--quiet-error" to suppress the exception details' if not self.args.quiet_error else '', exc_info=not self.args.quiet_error, ) else: self.is_started.set() self.is_ready.set() await self._wait_until_cancelled() finally: await self._terminate_remote_pod() self.is_shutdown.set() self._logger.debug('JinaDProcessTarget terminated') async def _create_remote_pod(self): """Create Workspace, Pod on remote JinaD server""" with ImportExtensions(required=True): # rich & aiohttp are used in `AsyncJinaDClient` import aiohttp import rich from daemon.clients import AsyncJinaDClient assert rich assert aiohttp # NOTE: args.timeout_ready is always set to -1 for JinadRuntime so that wait_for_success doesn't fail in Pod, # so it can't be used for Client timeout. self.client = AsyncJinaDClient(, port=self.args.port_jinad, logger=self._logger ) if not await self.client.alive: raise DaemonConnectivityError # Create a remote workspace with upload_files workspace_id = await self.client.workspaces.create( paths=self.filepaths, id=self.args.workspace_id, complete=True, ) if not workspace_id: self._logger.critical(f'remote workspace creation failed') raise DaemonWorkspaceCreationFailed payload = replace_enum_to_str(vars(self._mask_args())) # Create a remote Pod in the above workspace success, response = await self.client.pods.create( workspace_id=workspace_id, payload=payload, envs=self.envs ) if not success: self._logger.critical(f'remote pod creation failed') raise DaemonPodCreationFailed(response) else: self.pod_id = response async def _sleep_forever(self): """Sleep forever, no prince will come.""" await asyncio.sleep(1e10) async def _wait_until_cancelled(self): while not self.is_cancelled.is_set(): await asyncio.sleep(0.1) async def _terminate_remote_pod(self): """Removes the remote Pod""" if self.pod_id is not None: if await self.client.pods.delete(id=self.pod_id): self._logger.success( f'Successfully terminated remote Pod {self.pod_id}' ) # Don't delete workspace here, as other Executors might use them. # TODO(Deepankar): probably enable an arg here? @property def filepaths(self) -> List[Path]: """Get file/directories to be uploaded to remote workspace :return: filepaths to be uploaded to remote """ paths = set() if not self.args.upload_files: self._logger.warning(f'no files passed to upload to remote') else: for path in self.args.upload_files: try: fullpath = Path(complete_path(path)) paths.add(fullpath) except FileNotFoundError: self._logger.error(f'invalid path {path} passed') return list(paths) def _mask_args(self): cargs = copy.deepcopy(self.args) # TODO:/NOTE this prevents jumping from remote to another remote (Han: 2021.1.17) from jina import __default_host__ = __default_host__ cargs.log_config = '' # do not use local log_config cargs.upload_files = [] # reset upload files cargs.noblock_on_start = False # wait until start success changes = [] for k, v in vars(cargs).items(): if v != getattr(self.args, k): changes.append( f'{k:>30s}: {str(getattr(self.args, k)):30s} -> {str(v):30s}' ) if changes: changes = [ 'note the following arguments have been masked or altered for remote purpose:' ] + changes self._logger.debug('\n'.join(changes)) return cargs
[docs]class JinaDPod(BasePod): """Manages a remote Pod by handling a separate Process / Thread""" def __init__(self, args: 'argparse.Namespace'): super().__init__(args) self.worker = _get_worker( args=args, target=JinaDProcessTarget(), kwargs={ 'args': args, 'envs': self._envs, 'is_started': self.is_started, 'is_shutdown': self.is_shutdown, 'is_ready': self.is_ready, 'is_cancelled': self.cancel_event, }, ) def _wait_for_ready_or_shutdown(self, timeout: Optional[float]): """ Waits for the process to be ready or to know it has failed. :param timeout: The time to wait before readiness or failure is determined .. # noqa: DAR201 """ is_ready_or_shutdown = self.wait_for_ready_or_shutdown( timeout=timeout, ready_or_shutdown_event=self.ready_or_shutdown.event, ctrl_address=self.runtime_ctrl_address, timeout_ctrl=self._timeout_ctrl, ) if is_ready_or_shutdown: is_ready_or_shutdown = is_ready(self.runtime_ctrl_address) return is_ready_or_shutdown
[docs] @staticmethod def wait_for_ready_or_shutdown( timeout: Optional[float], ready_or_shutdown_event: Union['multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'], ctrl_address: str, **kwargs, ): """ Check if the runtime has successfully started :param timeout: The time to wait before readiness or failure is determined :param ctrl_address: the address where the control message needs to be sent :param ready_or_shutdown_event: the multiprocessing event to detect if the process failed or is ready :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments :return: True if is ready or it needs to be shutdown """ import time timeout_ns = 1000000000 * timeout if timeout else None now = time.time_ns() while timeout_ns is None or time.time_ns() - now < timeout_ns: # is_ready returns True is the Pod is actually created by JinaD # ready_or_shutdown_event is set after JinaDProcessTarget if ready_or_shutdown_event.is_set(): return True time.sleep(0.1) return False
[docs] def start(self): """Start the JinaD Process (to manage remote Pod). .. #noqa: DAR201 """ self.worker.start() if not self.args.noblock_on_start: self.wait_start_success() return self
[docs] def join(self, *args, **kwargs): """Joins the Pod. This method calls :meth:`join` in :class:`threading.Thread` or :class:`multiprocesssing.Process`. :param args: extra positional arguments to pass to join :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments to pass to join """ self.logger.debug(f' Joining the JinaD process') self.worker.join(*args, **kwargs) self.logger.debug(f' Successfully joined the JinaD process')
def _terminate(self): """Terminate the Pod. This method calls :meth:`terminate` in :class:`threading.Thread` or :class:`multiprocesssing.Process`. """ self.cancel_event.set() # Inform JinaD Process to stop streaming self.is_shutdown.wait() # Wait until JinaD terminates remote Pod and sets shutdown event if hasattr(self.worker, 'terminate'): self.logger.debug(f'terminating the JinaD Process') self.worker.terminate() self.logger.debug(f'JinaD Process properly terminated')