Source code for jina.orchestrate.pods.helper

import multiprocessing
import threading
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union

from grpc import RpcError

from jina.enums import GatewayProtocolType, PodRoleType, RuntimeBackendType
from jina.hubble.helper import is_valid_huburi
from jina.hubble.hubio import HubIO
from jina.serve.networking import GrpcConnectionPool
from jina.types.request.control import ControlRequest

    from argparse import Namespace

def _get_worker(
    args, target: Callable, kwargs: Dict, name: Optional[str] = None
) -> Union['threading.Thread', 'multiprocessing.Process']:
    return {
        RuntimeBackendType.THREAD: threading.Thread,
        RuntimeBackendType.PROCESS: multiprocessing.Process,
    }.get(getattr(args, 'runtime_backend', RuntimeBackendType.THREAD))(
        target=target, name=name, kwargs=kwargs, daemon=True

def _get_event(obj) -> Union[multiprocessing.Event, threading.Event]:
    if isinstance(obj, threading.Thread):
        return threading.Event()
    elif isinstance(obj, multiprocessing.Process) or isinstance(
        obj, multiprocessing.context.ForkProcess
        return multiprocessing.Event()
    elif isinstance(obj, multiprocessing.context.SpawnProcess):
        return multiprocessing.get_context('spawn').Event()
        raise TypeError(
            f'{obj} is not an instance of "threading.Thread" nor "multiprocessing.Process"'

[docs]class ConditionalEvent: """ :class:`ConditionalEvent` provides a common interface to an event (multiprocessing or threading event) that gets triggered when any of the events provided in input is triggered (OR logic) :param backend_runtime: The runtime type to decide which type of Event to instantiate :param events_list: The list of events that compose this composable event """ def __init__(self, backend_runtime: RuntimeBackendType, events_list): super().__init__() self.event = None if backend_runtime == RuntimeBackendType.THREAD: self.event = threading.Event() else: self.event = multiprocessing.synchronize.Event( ctx=multiprocessing.get_context() ) self.event_list = events_list for e in events_list: self._setup(e, self._state_changed) self._state_changed() def _state_changed(self): bools = [e.is_set() for e in self.event_list] if any(bools): self.event.set() else: self.event.clear() def _custom_set(self, e): e._set() e._state_changed() def _custom_clear(self, e): e._clear() e._state_changed() def _setup(self, e, changed_callback): e._set = e.set e._clear = e.clear e._state_changed = changed_callback e.set = partial(self._custom_set, e) e.clear = partial(self._custom_clear, e)
[docs]def update_runtime_cls(args, copy=False) -> 'Namespace': """Get runtime_cls as a string from args :param args: pod/deployment namespace args :param copy: True if args shouldn't be modified in-place :return: runtime class as a string """ _args = deepcopy(args) if copy else args gateway_runtime_dict = { GatewayProtocolType.GRPC: 'GRPCGatewayRuntime', GatewayProtocolType.WEBSOCKET: 'WebSocketGatewayRuntime', GatewayProtocolType.HTTP: 'HTTPGatewayRuntime', } if _args.runtime_cls == 'WorkerRuntime' and is_valid_huburi(_args.uses): _hub_args = deepcopy(_args) _hub_args.uri = _args.uses _hub_args.no_usage = True _args.uses = HubIO(_hub_args).pull() if hasattr(_args, 'protocol'): _args.runtime_cls = gateway_runtime_dict[_args.protocol] if _args.pod_role == PodRoleType.HEAD: _args.runtime_cls = 'HeadRuntime' return _args
[docs]def is_ready(address: str) -> bool: """ TODO: make this async Check if status is ready. :param address: the address where the control message needs to be sent :return: True if status is ready else False. """ try: GrpcConnectionPool.send_request_sync(ControlRequest('STATUS'), address) except RpcError: return False return True