Source code for jina.orchestrate.pods.container

import argparse
import asyncio
import multiprocessing
import os
import signal
import threading
import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional, Union

from jina import __docker_host__, __windows__
from jina.helper import random_name, slugify
from jina.importer import ImportExtensions
from jina.logging.logger import JinaLogger
from jina.orchestrate.pods import BasePod, _get_worker
from jina.orchestrate.pods.container_helper import (
from jina.serve.runtimes.asyncio import AsyncNewLoopRuntime

    from docker.client import DockerClient

def _docker_run(
    client: 'DockerClient',
    args: 'argparse.Namespace',
    container_name: str,
    envs: Dict,
    net_mode: Optional[str],
    logger: 'JinaLogger',
    # important to notice, that client is not assigned as instance member to avoid potential
    # heavy copy into new process memory space
    import warnings

    import docker

    from jina.excepts import BadImageNameError, DockerVersionError

    docker_version = client.version().get('Version')
    if not docker_version:
        raise DockerVersionError('docker version can not be resolved')

    docker_version = tuple(docker_version.split('.'))
    # docker daemon versions below 20.0x do not support "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
    if docker_version < ('20',):
        raise DockerVersionError(
            f'docker version {".".join(docker_version)} is below 20.0.0 and does not '
            f'support "host.docker.internal:host-gateway" :'

    if args.uses.startswith('docker://'):
        uses_img = args.uses.replace('docker://', '')
        logger.debug(f'will use Docker image: {uses_img}')
            f'you are using legacy image format {args.uses}, this may create some ambiguity. '
            f'please use the new format: "--uses docker://{args.uses}"'
        uses_img = args.uses

    # the image arg should be ignored otherwise it keeps using ContainerPod in the container
    # basically all args in Pod-docker arg group should be ignored.
    # this prevent setting containerPod twice
    from pathlib import Path

    from jina.helper import ArgNamespace
    from jina.parsers import set_pod_parser

    args.native = True

    non_defaults = ArgNamespace.get_non_defaults_args(
    img_not_found = False

    except docker.errors.ImageNotFound:
        logger.error(f'can not find local image: {uses_img}')
        img_not_found = True

    if args.pull_latest or img_not_found:
            f'pulling {uses_img}, this could take a while. if you encounter '
            f'timeout error due to pulling takes to long, then please set '
            f'"timeout-ready" to a larger value.'
            img_not_found = False
        except docker.errors.NotFound:
            img_not_found = True
            logger.error(f'can not find remote image: {uses_img}')

    if img_not_found:
        raise BadImageNameError(f'image: {uses_img} can not be found local & remote.')

    _volumes = {}
    if args.volumes:
        for p in args.volumes:
            paths = p.split(':')
            local_path = paths[0]
            Path(os.path.abspath(local_path)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            if len(paths) == 2:
                container_path = paths[1]
                container_path = '/' + os.path.basename(p)
            _volumes[os.path.abspath(local_path)] = {
                'bind': container_path,
                'mode': 'rw',

    device_requests = []
    if args.gpus:
        device_requests = get_gpu_device_requests(args.gpus)
        del args.gpus

    _args = ArgNamespace.kwargs2list(non_defaults)
    ports = {f'{args.port}/tcp': args.port} if not net_mode else None

    docker_kwargs = args.docker_kwargs or {}
    container =
        extra_hosts={__docker_host__: 'host-gateway'},
    return container

[docs]def run( args: 'argparse.Namespace', name: str, container_name: str, net_mode: Optional[str], runtime_ctrl_address: str, envs: Dict, is_started: Union['multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'], is_shutdown: Union['multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'], is_ready: Union['multiprocessing.Event', 'threading.Event'], ): """Method to be run in a process that stream logs from a Container This method is the target for the Pod's `thread` or `process` .. note:: :meth:`run` is running in subprocess/thread, the exception can not be propagated to the main process. Hence, please do not raise any exception here. .. note:: Please note that env variables are process-specific. Subprocess inherits envs from the main process. But Subprocess's envs do NOT affect the main process. It does NOT mess up user local system envs. :param args: namespace args from the Pod :param name: name of the Pod to have proper logging :param container_name: name to set the Container to :param net_mode: The network mode where to run the container :param runtime_ctrl_address: The control address of the runtime in the container :param envs: Dictionary of environment variables to be set in the docker image :param is_started: concurrency event to communicate runtime is properly started. Used for better logging :param is_shutdown: concurrency event to communicate runtime is terminated :param is_ready: concurrency event to communicate runtime is ready to receive messages """ import docker logger = JinaLogger(name, **vars(args)) cancel = threading.Event() fail_to_start = threading.Event() if not __windows__: try: for signame in {signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM}: signal.signal(signame, lambda *args, **kwargs: cancel.set()) except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as exc: logger.warning( f' The process starting the container for {name} will not be able to handle termination signals. ' f' {repr(exc)}' ) else: with ImportExtensions( required=True, logger=logger, help_text='''If you see a 'DLL load failed' error, please reinstall `pywin32`. If you're using conda, please use the command `conda install -c anaconda pywin32`''', ): import win32api win32api.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(lambda *args, **kwargs: cancel.set(), True) client = docker.from_env() try: container = _docker_run( client=client, args=args, container_name=container_name, envs=envs, net_mode=net_mode, logger=logger, ) client.close() def _is_ready(): return AsyncNewLoopRuntime.is_ready(runtime_ctrl_address) def _is_container_alive(container) -> bool: import docker.errors try: container.reload() except docker.errors.NotFound: return False return True async def _check_readiness(container): while ( _is_container_alive(container) and not _is_ready() and not cancel.is_set() ): await asyncio.sleep(0.1) if _is_container_alive(container): is_started.set() is_ready.set() else: fail_to_start.set() async def _stream_starting_logs(container): for line in container.logs(stream=True): if ( not is_started.is_set() and not fail_to_start.is_set() and not cancel.is_set() ): await asyncio.sleep(0.01) async def _run_async(container): await asyncio.gather( *[_check_readiness(container), _stream_starting_logs(container)] ) finally: client.close() if not is_started.is_set(): logger.error( f' Process terminated, the container fails to start, check the arguments or entrypoint' ) is_shutdown.set() logger.debug(f' Process terminated')
[docs]class ContainerPod(BasePod): """ :class:`ContainerPod` starts a runtime of :class:`BaseRuntime` inside a container. It leverages :class:`threading.Thread` or :class:`multiprocessing.Process` to manage the logs and the lifecycle of docker container object in a robust way. """ def __init__(self, args: 'argparse.Namespace'): super().__init__(args) if ( self.args.docker_kwargs and 'extra_hosts' in self.args.docker_kwargs and __docker_host__ in self.args.docker_kwargs['extra_hosts'] ): self.args.docker_kwargs.pop('extra_hosts') self._net_mode = None self.worker = None self.container_name = slugify(f'{}/{random_name()}') self.net_mode, self.runtime_ctrl_address = self._get_control_address() def _get_control_address(self): import docker client = docker.from_env() try: network = get_docker_network(client) if ( self.args.docker_kwargs and 'extra_hosts' in self.args.docker_kwargs and __docker_host__ in self.args.docker_kwargs['extra_hosts'] ): ctrl_host = __docker_host__ elif network: # If the caller is already in a docker network, replace ctrl-host with network gateway try: ctrl_host = client.networks.get(network).attrs['IPAM']['Config'][0][ 'Gateway' ] except: ctrl_host = __docker_host__ else: ctrl_host = ctrl_address = f'{ctrl_host}:{self.args.port}' net_node, runtime_ctrl_address = self._get_network_for_dind_linux( client, ctrl_address ) finally: client.close() return net_node, runtime_ctrl_address def _get_network_for_dind_linux(self, client: 'DockerClient', ctrl_address: str): import sys from platform import uname # Related to potential docker-in-docker communication. If `Runtime` lives already inside a container. # it will need to communicate using the `bridge` network. # In WSL, we need to set ports explicitly net_mode, runtime_ctrl_address = None, ctrl_address if sys.platform in ('linux', 'linux2') and 'microsoft' not in uname().release: net_mode = 'host' try: bridge_network = client.networks.get('bridge') if bridge_network: runtime_ctrl_address = f'{bridge_network.attrs["IPAM"]["Config"][0]["Gateway"]}:{self.args.port}' except Exception as ex: self.logger.warning( f'Unable to set control address from "bridge" network: {ex!r}' f' Control address set to {runtime_ctrl_address}' ) return net_mode, runtime_ctrl_address @property def _container(self): import docker client = docker.from_env() container = None try: container = client.containers.get(self.container_name) finally: client.close() return container
[docs] def start(self): """Start the ContainerPod. This method calls :meth:`start` in :class:`threading.Thread` or :class:`multiprocesssing.Process`. .. #noqa: DAR201 """ self.worker = _get_worker( args=self.args, target=run, kwargs={ 'args': self.args, 'name':, 'container_name': self.container_name, 'net_mode': self.net_mode, 'runtime_ctrl_address': self.runtime_ctrl_address, 'envs': self._envs, 'is_started': self.is_started, 'is_shutdown': self.is_shutdown, 'is_ready': self.is_ready, }, ) self.worker.start() if not self.args.noblock_on_start: self.wait_start_success() return self
def _terminate(self): """Terminate the Pod. This method calls :meth:`terminate` in :class:`threading.Thread` or :class:`multiprocesssing.Process`. """ # terminate the docker try: self._container.kill(signal='SIGTERM') finally: self.is_shutdown.wait(self.args.timeout_ctrl) if hasattr(self.worker, 'terminate'): self.logger.debug(f'terminating the runtime process') self.worker.terminate() self.logger.debug(f' runtime process properly terminated') else: self.logger.debug(f'canceling the runtime thread') self.cancel_event.set() self.logger.debug(f'runtime thread properly canceled')
[docs] def join(self, *args, **kwargs): """Joins the Pod. This method calls :meth:`join` in :class:`threading.Thread` or :class:`multiprocesssing.Process`. :param args: extra positional arguments to pass to join :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments to pass to join """ import docker client = docker.from_env() try: container_id = containers = client.containers.list() while container_id in containers: time.sleep(0.1) containers = client.containers.list() except docker.errors.NotFound: pass self.logger.debug(f' Joining the process') self.worker.join(*args, **kwargs) self.logger.debug(f' Successfully joined the process')