Source code for jina.orchestrate.deployments.config.k8slib.kubernetes_tools

import os
from typing import Dict


cur_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
DEFAULT_RESOURCE_DIR = os.path.join(
    cur_dir, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'resources', 'k8s', 'template'

[docs]def get_yaml(template: str, params: Dict) -> Dict: """Create a resource on Kubernetes based on the `template`. It fills the `template` using the `params`. :param template: path to the template file. :param params: dictionary for replacing the placeholders (keys) with the actual values. :return: The yaml dictionary with the corresponding template filled with parameters """ if template == 'configmap': yaml = _get_configmap_yaml(template, params) elif template in DEPLOYMENT_FILES and params.get('device_plugins'): yaml = _get_yaml(template, params) yaml = _get_deployment_with_device_plugins(yaml, params) else: yaml = _get_yaml(template, params) return yaml
def _get_yaml(template: str, params: Dict) -> Dict: import yaml path = os.path.join(DEFAULT_RESOURCE_DIR, f'{template}.yml') with open(path) as f: content = for k, v in params.items(): content = content.replace(f'{{{k}}}', str(v)) d = yaml.safe_load(content) return d def _get_configmap_yaml(template: str, params: Dict): import yaml path = os.path.join(DEFAULT_RESOURCE_DIR, f'{template}.yml') with open(path) as f: config_map = yaml.safe_load(f) config_map['metadata']['name'] = params.get('name') + '-' + 'configmap' config_map['metadata']['namespace'] = params.get('namespace') if params.get('data'): for key, value in params['data'].items(): config_map['data'][key] = value return config_map def _get_device_plugins(params: Dict): data = {'limits': {}} for key, value in params.items(): data['limits'][key] = value return data def _get_deployment_with_device_plugins(deployment: Dict, params: Dict) -> Dict: device_plugins = _get_device_plugins(params['device_plugins']) deployment['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0][ 'resources' ] = device_plugins return deployment