Source code for jina.logging.logger

import copy
import logging
import logging.handlers
import os
import platform
import sys
from typing import Optional

from rich.logging import RichHandler

from jina.logging import formatter
from jina import __uptime__, __resources_path__, __windows__
from jina.enums import LogVerbosity
from jina.jaml import JAML

[docs]class SysLogHandlerWrapper(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler): """ Override the priority_map :class:`SysLogHandler`. .. warning:: This messages at DEBUG and INFO are therefore not stored by ASL, (ASL = Apple System Log) which in turn means they can't be printed by syslog after the fact. You can confirm it via :command:`syslog` or :command:`tail -f /var/log/system.log`. """ priority_map = { 'DEBUG': 'debug', 'INFO': 'info', 'WARNING': 'warning', 'ERROR': 'error', 'CRITICAL': 'critical', }
[docs]class JinaLogger: """ Build a logger for a context. :param context: The context identifier of the class, module or method. :param log_config: The configuration file for the logger. configuration to group logs by deployment. :return:: an executor object. """ supported = {'FileHandler', 'StreamHandler', 'SysLogHandler', 'RichHandler'} def __init__( self, context: str, name: Optional[str] = None, log_config: Optional[str] = None, quiet: bool = False, **kwargs, ): if not log_config: log_config = os.getenv( 'JINA_LOG_CONFIG', os.path.join(__resources_path__, 'logging.default.yml'), ) if quiet or os.getenv('JINA_LOG_CONFIG', None) == 'QUIET': log_config = os.path.join(__resources_path__, 'logging.quiet.yml') if not name: name = os.getenv('JINA_DEPLOYMENT_NAME', context) # Remove all handlers associated with the root logger object. for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]: logging.root.removeHandler(handler) self.logger = logging.getLogger(context) self.logger.propagate = False context_vars = { 'name': name, 'uptime': __uptime__, 'context': context, } self.add_handlers(log_config, **context_vars) self.success = lambda *x: self.logger.log(LogVerbosity.SUCCESS, *x) self.debug = self.logger.debug self.warning = self.logger.warning self.critical = self.logger.critical self.error = self.logger.error = self._is_closed = False self.debug_enabled = self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) @property def handlers(self): """ Get the handlers of the logger. :return:: Handlers of logger. """ return self.logger.handlers def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """Close all the handlers.""" if not self._is_closed: for handler in self.logger.handlers: handler.close() self._is_closed = True
[docs] def add_handlers(self, config_path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """ Add handlers from config file. :param config_path: Path of config file. :param kwargs: Extra parameters. """ self.logger.handlers = [] with open(config_path) as fp: config = JAML.load(fp) for h in config['handlers']: cfg = config['configs'].get(h, None) fmt = getattr(formatter, cfg.get('formatter', 'Formatter')) if h not in self.supported or not cfg: raise ValueError( f'can not find configs for {h}, maybe it is not supported' ) handler = None if h == 'StreamHandler': handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) handler.setFormatter(fmt(cfg['format'].format_map(kwargs))) if h == 'RichHandler': kwargs_handler = copy.deepcopy(cfg) kwargs_handler.pop('format') handler = RichHandler(**kwargs_handler) handler.setFormatter(fmt(cfg['format'].format_map(kwargs))) elif h == 'SysLogHandler' and not __windows__: if cfg['host'] and cfg['port']: handler = SysLogHandlerWrapper(address=(cfg['host'], cfg['port'])) else: # a UNIX socket is used if platform.system() == 'Darwin': handler = SysLogHandlerWrapper(address='/var/run/syslog') else: handler = SysLogHandlerWrapper(address='/dev/log') if handler: handler.ident = cfg.get('ident', '') handler.setFormatter(fmt(cfg['format'].format_map(kwargs))) try: handler._connect_unixsocket(handler.address) except OSError: handler = None pass elif h == 'FileHandler': filename = cfg['output'].format_map(kwargs) if __windows__: # colons are not allowed in filenames filename = filename.replace(':', '.') handler = logging.FileHandler(filename, delay=True) handler.setFormatter(fmt(cfg['format'].format_map(kwargs))) if handler: self.logger.addHandler(handler) verbose_level = LogVerbosity.from_string(config['level']) if 'JINA_LOG_LEVEL' in os.environ: verbose_level = LogVerbosity.from_string(os.environ['JINA_LOG_LEVEL']) self.logger.setLevel(verbose_level.value)