Source code for jina.hubble.helper

"""Module for helper functions for Hub API."""

import hashlib
import io
import json
import os
import shelve
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
import urllib
import warnings
import zipfile
from functools import lru_cache, wraps
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Dict
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from contextlib import nullcontext

from jina import __resources_path__
from jina.importer import ImportExtensions
from jina.logging.predefined import default_logger

def _get_hub_root() -> Path:
    hub_root = Path(os.environ.get('JINA_HUB_ROOT', Path.home().joinpath('.jina')))

    if not hub_root.exists():
        hub_root.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    return hub_root

[docs]@lru_cache() def get_hub_packages_dir() -> Path: """Get the path of folder where the hub packages are stored :return: the path of folder where the hub packages are stored """ root = _get_hub_root() hub_packages = root.joinpath('hub-package') if not hub_packages.exists(): hub_packages.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return hub_packages
[docs]@lru_cache() def get_cache_db() -> Path: """Get the path of cache db of hub Executors :return: the path of cache db of hub Executors """ root = _get_hub_root() cache_db = root.joinpath('disk_cache.db') return cache_db
[docs]@lru_cache() def get_download_cache_dir() -> Path: """Get the path of cache folder where the downloading cache is stored :return: the path of cache folder where the downloading cache is stored """ root = _get_hub_root() cache_dir = Path( os.environ.get( 'JINA_HUB_CACHE_DIR', root.joinpath('.cache'), ) ) if not cache_dir.exists(): cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return cache_dir
@lru_cache() def _get_hubble_base_url() -> str: """Get base Hubble Url from or os.environ :return: base Hubble Url """ if 'JINA_HUBBLE_REGISTRY' in os.environ: u = os.environ['JINA_HUBBLE_REGISTRY'] else: try: req = Request( '', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}, ) with urlopen(req) as resp: u = json.load(resp)['url'] except: default_logger.critical( 'Can not fetch the Url of Hubble from ``' ) raise return u
[docs]def get_hubble_url_v1() -> str: """Get v1 Hubble Url :return: v1 Hubble url """ u = _get_hubble_base_url() return urljoin(u, '/v1')
[docs]def get_hubble_url_v2() -> str: """Get v2 Hubble Url :return: v2 Hubble url """ u = _get_hubble_base_url() return urljoin(u, '/v2')
[docs]def parse_hub_uri(uri_path: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str, str]: """Parse the uri of the Jina Hub executor. :param uri_path: the uri of Jina Hub executor :return: a tuple of schema, id, tag, and secret """ parser = urlparse(uri_path) scheme = parser.scheme if scheme not in {'jinahub', 'jinahub+docker', 'jinahub+sandbox'}: raise ValueError(f'{uri_path} is not a valid Hub URI.') items = list(parser.netloc.split(':')) name = items[0] if not name: raise ValueError(f'{uri_path} is not a valid Hub URI.') secret = items[1] if len(items) > 1 else None tag = parser.path.strip('/') if parser.path else None return scheme, name, tag, secret
[docs]def is_valid_huburi(uri: str) -> bool: """Return True if it is a valid Hubble URI :param uri: the uri to test :return: True or False """ try: parse_hub_uri(uri) return True except: return False
[docs]def md5file(file_path: 'Path') -> str: """Retrun the MD5 checksum of the file :param file_path: the file to check md5sum :return: the MD5 checksum """ hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with'rb') as fp: for chunk in iter(lambda: * hash_md5.block_size), b''): hash_md5.update(chunk) return hash_md5.hexdigest()
[docs]def unpack_package(filepath: 'Path', target_dir: 'Path'): """Unpack the file to the target_dir. :param filepath: the path of given file :param target_dir: the path of target folder """ if filepath.suffix == '.zip': with zipfile.ZipFile(filepath, 'r') as zip: zip.extractall(target_dir) elif filepath.suffix in ['.tar', '.gz']: with as tar: tar.extractall(target_dir) else: raise ValueError('File format is not supported for unpacking.')
[docs]def archive_package(package_folder: 'Path') -> 'io.BytesIO': """ Archives the given folder in zip format and return a data stream. :param package_folder: the folder path of the package :return: the data stream of zip content """ with ImportExtensions(required=True): import pathspec root_path = package_folder.resolve() gitignore = root_path / '.gitignore' if not gitignore.exists(): gitignore = Path(__resources_path__) / 'Python.gitignore' with as fp: ignore_lines = [ line.strip() for line in fp if line.strip() and (not line.startswith('#')) ] ignore_lines += ['.git', '.jina'] ignored_spec = pathspec.PathSpec.from_lines('gitwildmatch', ignore_lines) zip_stream = io.BytesIO() try: zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_stream, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) except EnvironmentError as e: raise e def _zip(base_path, path, archive): for p in path.iterdir(): rel_path = p.relative_to(base_path) if ignored_spec.match_file(str(rel_path)): continue if p.is_dir(): _zip(base_path, p, archive) else: archive.write(p, rel_path) _zip(root_path, root_path, zfile) zfile.close() return zip_stream
[docs]def download_with_resume( url: str, target_dir: 'Path', filename: Optional[str] = None, md5sum: Optional[str] = None, ) -> 'Path': """ Download file from url to target_dir, and check md5sum. Performs a HTTP(S) download that can be restarted if prematurely terminated. The HTTP server must support byte ranges. :param url: the URL to download :param target_dir: the target path for the file :param filename: the filename of the downloaded file :param md5sum: the MD5 checksum to match :return: the filepath of the downloaded file """ with ImportExtensions(required=True): import requests def _download(url, target, resume_byte_pos: int = None): resume_header = ( {'Range': f'bytes={resume_byte_pos}-'} if resume_byte_pos else None ) try: r = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers=resume_header) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: raise e block_size = 1024 mode = 'ab' if resume_byte_pos else 'wb' with as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(32 * block_size): f.write(chunk) if filename is None: filename = url.split('/')[-1] filepath = target_dir / filename head_info = requests.head(url) file_size_online = int(head_info.headers.get('content-length', 0)) _resume_byte_pos = None if filepath.exists(): if md5sum and md5file(filepath) == md5sum: return filepath file_size_offline = filepath.stat().st_size if file_size_online > file_size_offline: _resume_byte_pos = file_size_offline _download(url, filepath, _resume_byte_pos) if md5sum and not md5file(filepath) == md5sum: raise RuntimeError( 'MD5 checksum failed.' 'Might happen when the network is unstable, please retry.' 'If still not work, feel free to raise an issue.' '' ) return filepath
[docs]def upload_file( url: str, file_name: str, buffer_data: bytes, dict_data: Dict, headers: Dict, stream: bool = False, method: str = 'post', ): """Upload file to target url :param url: target url :param file_name: the file name :param buffer_data: the data to upload :param dict_data: the dict-style data to upload :param headers: the request header :param stream: receive stream response :param method: the request method :return: the response of request """ with ImportExtensions(required=True): import requests dict_data.update({'file': (file_name, buffer_data)}) (data, ctype) = requests.packages.urllib3.filepost.encode_multipart_formdata( dict_data ) headers.update({'Content-Type': ctype}) response = getattr(requests, method)(url, data=data, headers=headers, stream=stream) return response
[docs]def disk_cache_offline( cache_file: str = 'disk_cache.db', message: str = 'Calling {func_name} failed, using cached results', ): """ Decorator which caches a function in disk and uses cache when a urllib.error.URLError exception is raised If the function was called with a kwarg force=True, then this decorator will always attempt to call it, otherwise, will always default to local cache. :param cache_file: the cache file :param message: the warning message shown when defaulting to cache. Use "{func_name}" if you want to print the function name :return: function decorator """ def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): call_hash = f'{func.__name__}({", ".join(map(str, args))})' pickle_protocol = 4 file_lock = nullcontext() with ImportExtensions( required=False, help_text=f'FileLock is needed to guarantee non-concurrent access to the' f'cache_file {cache_file}', ): import filelock file_lock = filelock.FileLock(f'{cache_file}.lock', timeout=-1) cache_db = None with file_lock: try: cache_db = cache_file, protocol=pickle_protocol, writeback=True ) except Exception: if os.path.exists(cache_file): # cache is in an unsupported format, reset the cache os.remove(cache_file) cache_db = cache_file, protocol=pickle_protocol, writeback=True ) if cache_db is None: # if we failed to load cache, do not raise, it is only an optimization thing return func(*args, **kwargs), False else: with cache_db as dict_db: try: if call_hash in dict_db and not kwargs.get('force', False): return dict_db[call_hash], True result = func(*args, **kwargs) dict_db[call_hash] = result except urllib.error.URLError: if call_hash in dict_db: default_logger.warning( message.format(func_name=func.__name__) ) return dict_db[call_hash], True else: raise return result, False return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def is_requirements_installed( requirements_file: 'Path', show_warning: bool = False ) -> bool: """Return True if requirements.txt is installed locally :param requirements_file: the requirements.txt file :param show_warning: if to show a warning when a dependency is not satisfied :return: True or False if not satisfied """ from pkg_resources import ( DistributionNotFound, VersionConflict, RequirementParseError, ) import pkg_resources install_reqs, install_options = _get_install_options(requirements_file) if len(install_reqs) == 0: return True try: pkg_resources.require('\n'.join(install_reqs)) except (DistributionNotFound, VersionConflict, RequirementParseError) as ex: if show_warning: warnings.warn(repr(ex)) return isinstance(ex, VersionConflict) return True
def _get_install_options(requirements_file: 'Path', excludes: Tuple[str] = ('jina',)): import pkg_resources with as requirements: install_options = [] install_reqs = [] for req in requirements: req = req.strip() if (not req) or req.startswith('#'): continue elif req.startswith('-'): install_options.extend(req.split(' ')) else: for req_spec in pkg_resources.parse_requirements(req): if ( req_spec.project_name not in excludes or len(req_spec.extras) > 0 ): install_reqs.append(req) return install_reqs, install_options
[docs]def install_requirements(requirements_file: 'Path', timeout: int = 1000): """Install modules included in requirments file :param requirements_file: the requirements.txt file :param timeout: the socket timeout (default = 1000s) """ if is_requirements_installed(requirements_file): return install_reqs, install_options = _get_install_options(requirements_file) subprocess.check_call( [ sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--compile', f'--default-timeout={timeout}', ] + install_reqs + install_options )