Source code for daemon.excepts

import traceback
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import List, Union

from fastapi import Request
from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder
from fastapi.exceptions import RequestValidationError
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse

[docs]class DockerNotFoundException(Exception): """ Exception if docker client cannot communicate with dockerd"""
[docs]class DockerImageException(Exception): """ Exception while handling a docker image in the workspace"""
[docs]class DockerNetworkException(Exception): """ Exception while handling docker networks in the workspace """
[docs]class DockerContainerException(Exception): """ Exception while handling a docker container in the workspace"""
[docs]class Runtime400Exception(Exception): """Exception for all errors in Daemon - Should only be used in `api/endpoints/*.py`. - Should always be chained. - Handled by `daemon_runtime_exception_handler` """
[docs]class PartialDaemon400Exception(Exception): """Exception for all errors in Partial Daemon This can be raised from 2 places: 1. Inside partial daemon: - Should always be chained and raised in `a[i/partial/endpoints/*.py`. - This way it has a `__cause__` and stacktrace can be retrieved in `partial_daemon_exception_handler` 2. Inside main store: - Should be raised whenever main-daemon receives a 400 from partial-daemon. - Don't chain it. Raise it like - `PartialDaemon400Exception('original traceback')` - Gets handled via `daemon_runtime_exception_handler` when chained with `Runtime400Exception` """ def __init__(self, message: Union[List, str] = None, *args: object) -> None: self.message = message
[docs]class PartialDaemonConnectionException(PartialDaemon400Exception): """ Exception if JinaD cannot connect to Partial Daemon"""
def _get_exception(ex: Exception) -> Exception: """Get exception cause/context from chained exceptions :param ex: chained exception :return: cause of chained exception if any """ if ex.__cause__: return ex.__cause__ elif ex.__context__: return ex.__context__ else: return ex
[docs]def json_response(status_code: HTTPStatus, detail: str, body: str) -> JSONResponse: """json response from status, detail & body :param status_code: http status code :param detail: exception name in detail :param body: error stacktrace :return: JSONResponse object """ return JSONResponse( status_code=status_code, content=jsonable_encoder( { 'detail': detail, 'body': body, } ), )
[docs]async def partial_daemon_exception_handler( request: Request, ex: 'PartialDaemon400Exception' ): """Exception handler for all PartialDaemon400Exceptions Since `PartialDaemon400Exception` is always chained, we access the `__cause__` and send that as `body`. This handler makes sure, in case of exceptions (Pod/Deployment/Flow start/update/delete failures), the response from Partial Daemon whould always look like - ```{ "detail": "PartialDaemon400Exception", "body": [ "stack trace line1" "stack trace line2: ] }``` :param request: starlette request :param ex: actual PartialDaemon400Exception :return: json response representing the error """ exception = _get_exception(ex) return json_response( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=ex.__class__.__name__, body=traceback.format_exception( etype=type(exception), value=exception, tb=exception.__traceback__ ), )
[docs]async def daemon_runtime_exception_handler(request: Request, ex: 'Runtime400Exception'): """Exception handler for all Runtime400Exceptions `Runtime400Exception` is always chained. - When `__cause__` is `PartialDaemon400Exception`, we know, it is due to an error inside the Partial Daemon container and `ex.message` carries the actual stack trace. - All other errors are inside the main Daemon itself, so we get the stack trace using traceback. :param request: starlette request :param ex: actual Runtime400Exception :return: json response representing the error """ exception = _get_exception(ex) return json_response( status_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, detail=ex.__class__.__name__, body=exception.message if isinstance(exception, PartialDaemon400Exception) else traceback.format_exception( etype=type(exception), value=exception, tb=exception.__traceback__ ), )
[docs]async def validation_exception_handler(request: Request, ex: 'RequestValidationError'): """Exception handler for all RequestValidationError raised by pydantic :param request: starlette request :param ex: actual Validation exception :return: json response representing the error """ return json_response( status_code=HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, detail=ex.errors(), body=str(ex), )