
Not applicable to containerized Executors

This does not work for containerized Executors.

In this tutorial you will learn how to debug Hello Executor step by step.

Make sure the schemas are known

While using docarray>0.30.0, Executors do not have a fix schema and each Executor defines its own. Make sure you know those schemas when using Executors from the Hub.

Pull the Executor#

Pull the source code of the Executor you want to debug:

jina hub pull jinaai://jina-ai/Hello
from jina import Executor


Set breakpoints#

In the ~/.jina/hub-package directory there is one subdirectory for each Executor that you pulled, named by the Executor ID. You can find the Executor’s source files in this directory.

Once you locate the source, you can set the breakpoints as you always do.

Debug your code#

You can debug your Executor like any Python code. You can either use the Executor on its own or inside a Deployment:

from jina import Executor

exec = Executor.from_hub('jinaai://jina-ai/Hello')

# Set breakpoint as needed
from jina import Deployment
from docarray.documents.legacy import LegacyDocument

dep = Deployment(uses='jinaai://jina-ai/Hello')

with dep:
    res ='/', inputs=LegacyDocument(text='hello'), return_results=True)